Friday, November 3, 2017

i know that it's hard for extroverted people to understand, but social anxiety means the following:

1) i can't work.
2) i can't live with other people.
3) i don't have any friends,
4) i don't have any references.
5) i don't want to work, to live with others, to meet friends or to gain references. what i want is some place quiet where i can spend my time alone without other people bothering me.

but, it means i have an extra layer of complexity involved in this - and that i'm simply not well suited to get past it.

i'm going to have to find somebody willing to take a chance. not because i'm a risk - i'm not - but because i don't how to prove that i'm not.

and, the necessity of the appeal is that much more obvious.

i might get lucky tomorrow night. but, i have an irrational firm standing between me and what looks like an almost perfect unit. if that doesn't pan out, looking at the market, i'd guess it's probably going to take me upwards of six months to a year to find something.

i didn't create this problem.