Thursday, October 31, 2013

it's time to stop dealing with banks.

is it weird that i'm almost 33 and have never paid a monthly fee? i've just always had "student accounts" that wave all those fees, and nobody ever bothered checking up to see whether i was really a student.

i had to switch banks a few months ago, and i just got a letter explaining that unless i can provide evidence of being a student they're going to start charging me $20/month, give me a very small debit limit and then start charging by transaction and a couple of other things that are really just flat out dastardly, the morally.....bankrupt.....cretins that they are.....

i was already pissed off at the check cost. it's over $1.50/check and they only sell them in bulk - 50 checks at a time. they get cheaper if you buy more than 50. for what reason? who uses checks in 2013 for anything other than to pay rent? that's enough checks to cover four years of rent. now, i don't like paying $1.50/check, but i'd pay it if it meant avoiding the headaches i'm about to put myself through. what i can't handle is dropping that much all at once. worst thing: the last bank i was at waived the cost. so, i was trying to figure out various ways around that...but switching banks isn't really fun.

i've got it narrowed down to a credit union that appears to be a front for ING. most of the credit unions seem to be a front for something or other. i only need like three things. but i NEED those three things...

i think that's the thing with banks, right? if it's a $1-$2 here or there, we gnash our teeth and stomp our feet, but it's more out of principle - and then we carry on as though nothing had happened.

that's how they get us. the bastards.

but, when they throw down $50 or $100 that's when we pick up the phone and yell and scream until we either get it reversed or are broken down into accepting our status as slaves who can be stolen from with impunity.

that doesn't happen often, though, 'cause they know this. they know they can get away with $1 surcharges. they know they can't get away with more than that.

or at least that's what i thought...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

yes. a source of hydrocarbons. the price of the space program redeems itself.

there are some mild transport problems with that idea. not to mention the reality that we're going to terraform the earth into venus if we keep ejecting these greenhouse gasses.

we are, however, ruled by the insane. they'll try it.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

part of the reason i just moved to the area is that there's a strong potential to build sustainable local communities in the areas that have been abandoned by industry. this sounds like the kind of area i was thinking of - a residential area that has been partially abandoned and has left behind spaces for squatting and growing in a relative vacuum of capital. i fully understood that such a thing would be quashed, but hopefully not before some experiments could be carried out and a movement could create some momentum to move into further tazs. if the momentum can continue to grow, the tazs will become harder and harder to quash.

the key here is demonstrating that a life outside of slavery is, indeed, possible. i have faith that, once people realize that, they will free themselves from their own chains. i further believe that once people taste freedom they'll have a hard time giving it up.

i see a mass of empty houses and mass of homeless people and suggest the obvious; the landowner sees the same thing and concludes that the empty houses are decreasing his profit, and should consequently be torn down. this isn't an economic system, it's organized psychopathy.

worse is that it's not even a smart investment. buying up the land and turning it into a park, or condos, doesn't solve any of the economic "problems" that exist in the area. it just eliminates a source of affordable housing, further exacerbating the existing social problems. i'd expect the park to be full of squatters and that they'll have to be removed by force. on top of that, whatever is built will lack a market until production returns, which it won't. the result is simply more empty houses.

i could look at it on the bright side. this is going to piss people off. but, i realize the futility of fighting the class war head on.

i have to hope that landowners are, on average, more intelligent than this one and this isn't a trend that will pick up. if it is, however, the result is likely to be a mass of angry homeless people, and that gets me to a second best option in the end.

Friday, October 25, 2013

actually, it turns out man or astroman? has reformed. i'll have to keep an eye out.

first night out in windsor...

a few stories to tell. right now? glad i'm at home, in relative safety.

something i learned tonight is that, in windsor, start time means door time. so, showing up an hour after the time on the poster still means waiting over an hour for the show.

in ottawa, we have le cafe de kcuf. in windsor, we have the phog lounge. variations on the same theme. not dissimilar atmospheres.

waiting forever means too many spiked coffees...

at least the music for the wait was alright. meat puppets. mbv. sonic youth. and perhaps it was fitting that the first band started right as 'the sprawl' finished, given my thoughts on this new area to explore.

silent movie type were catchy, noisy and dissonant. not much that's novel, here. but i like the genre. and their record up on bandcamp is pretty good.

they closed the show with a cover of breed, which was sort of nice to hear. i scattered quickly to another show down the street....

there was a band in the 90s called 'man, or astroman?'. this machine kills robots are eerily similar to that band. in every way. 'cept they're not quite as good.

i wish i would have got to see man or astroman?, actually...

actually, i'm going to choose to not tell the stories i was going to tell. there's certain adjustments i'm going to have to make to living in a smaller city. i think this is one of them.

i couldn't quickly find audio for the second band, worry. it's a hard name to google. the audience they attracted seemed to enjoy faux moshing to it, but it was pretty generic hipster music. the hipster genre du jour is something called 'doom', which is a type of heavy grunge that incorporates screamed vocals into it. i'll give this band a tad bit of credit because the drummer was a bit more interesting in a weird sort of way; he was all agent orange while the rest of the band was all sleep. but, at best the result was 'crust', and crust is rarely worth listening to.

extra annoyance: no human could decipher those vocals.

famines, on the other hand, were excellent. it's a shame the place cleared out before they came on. i've seen this before, where local bands take over shows for touring acts and the place clears out when the locals are done. it's just bad research. extra head-scratching is the fact that there was a band down the street that would have brought in the proper audience. i took the walk, but...

famines is dance-punk done right in the after-punk era: rambunctious, hyperactive and entirely bipolar when it needs to be. bonus: moderately intelligent lyrics.

the walk home was a little surreal. i was drunk enough to slur my speech, but not tipsy or in any threat of passing out. cop cars on every corner...

well, there's been some issues in windsor of late. a pretty teenager disappeared (they found a body in the river and will id it this afternoon). there was a gang related stabbing downtown that involved something like ten people. fires. robberies.

that's not the reason the cops are actually there, though. they've been brought in by the bia due to concern about property damage. there was a press release. people are getting stabbed and abducted and arsons are raging across the city and the police department is being driven by a concern about broken windows (to my knowledge, there haven't actually been any broken windows).

regardless, it might be the first time i was happy to see some cop cars. i was a little uneasy walking home, and knew i would be. recent spate of violent crime aside, i'm in a city i don't know very well. and it was well after midnight.

getting out of the downtown core, i noticed a van was following me. it was turning into side streets, u-turning.....eventually it stopped down the street. i crossed the road. it pulled one last u-turn and zoomed off...

the night person at the quickie suggested that the driver may have mistaken me for a prostitute. apparently, a lot of people work up that strip. it's not the first time i've been mistaken, but it usually happens in the summer when i'm minimally clothed. tonight, my make-up was fairly light, and i was wearing my kurt cobain sweater (or at least the sweater that i think of as my kurt cobain sweater). i can't see how i was drawing attention to myself. but maybe it doesn't really matter if i was or wasn't drawing attention to myself.

i also started wondering about a few things walking back. i'm a new addition to the area. change always breeds uncertainty. my largest concern is actually that local criminals might think i'm a cop. i don't have anything for them, especially if i'm walking rather than biking. but the inevitable question is no doubt: what is this nut doing walking alone down the road at midnight? is she really impossibly oblivious to her own safety? if not, who is she working for? etc.

i sort of decided that i just have to keep going out at night regularly in order to create a comfort level. to normalize the locals to my existence. i'm not going to live in fear. it's not in my dna. if they get used to me, i'll begin to blend in. like a squirrel...

 getting inside the door was a relief, though. more so than i've ever experienced.

....and, now for zesty cheese....

Thursday, October 24, 2013

24-10-2013: silent movie type @ phog, windsor + this machine kills robots, worry & the famines @ villain's, windsor

their music:


event listing:


pre-concert persies set (24/10/2013)

so, i can't make it across the river until i get that stupid card. and, because the stupid card is going to cost twice as much as i thought, i have to wait until after the first. i therefore can't write show reviews...

i can point out what i'm missing, though.

this is tonight in detroit. i would have enjoyed this, too.

stupid borders.

one day, we'll tear their system down and set their flags on fire.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

that crispy basement air, how i missed you.

it's been far too long.

Monday, October 21, 2013

this new melt banana record is going to be insane to see live

the new melt banana disc is phenomenal. the alvin-joins-ministry thing (i suppose there's already an al in ministry, maybe it's a metamorphosis) is still in place, but there's a massive influence from vision/creation/newsun era boredoms, and it's taken it to a completely different level. this is one of the best INDUSTRIAL records i've heard in a long time.

more to the point, this is going to be awesome to see live. i don't think i'm going to get my stupid card in time. if you're near where they're going, though, i think you want to not miss out on this tour....

getting yelled at by incoherent crazy people that seem to know me (and yet i don't recognize them) is sort of a different experience.

it's led me to an interesting question, though. is there any evidence to suggest that wage slaves in our society suffer from a sort of stockholm syndrome?

....and if it's not stockholm syndrome, what other psychiatric condition might cause that kind of absurd behaviour?

it maybe raises an educational point, though: yelling at people on the street generally just makes them wonder what's wrong with you.

so, if anybody here knows who was yelling at me (or what they were talking about) , i'd just request that a discussion be had with that person about treatment options, whether they've been taking their meds recently, etc.

i'm probably not the person in the highest risk category; i didn't even recognize this person.


"As our work becomes more unpleasant and unnatural to us, ever greater forms of control are needed to ensure that we do it. As machines take over our labour, forces need to be employed to see that idleness does not give way to mischief. Discipline is employed with sadistic readiness, in ever more complex and powerful ways. The obvious power in the batons of the police is matched by the subtle power contained in the stamp of the benefits adviser. The state which we believe to protect us is actually our captor and master. The worker has developed Stockholm syndrome."

Friday, October 18, 2013

i had to firmly end things after she asked to drop by

Shelly Teagan
Hey jess. Can i come visit you this week?

Jessica Amber Murray
are you coming down to windsor for some reason?

Shelly Teagan
Oh no. Im just depressed and want to travel a bit.

I might just hang out in guelph

Jessica Amber Murray
erin, i wasn't sure how to bring shit up with you. i found myself in a really difficult position last month. when i say i wish you the best, i mean it in absolute sincerity. even as i was trying to wind things down, i couldn't bring myself to hang you to dry when you needed somebody to talk to. i may or may not have made a good judgement call regarding timing, but it was a thing that was going to happen. maybe we could meet for coffee to talk if you come down, but i'm not comfortable with you staying here. i think i know i'm being paranoid, but there's just this competitive streak you have that really scares me and that makes me feel really vulnerable to being taken advantage of. i just have some really profound trust issues and certain bells went off. i need to follow my gut.

Shelly Teagan
Im a little confused and dont know what youre saying. You dont want to be my friend? Was i shitty recently?

Its ok i get it. I hope youre doing alright.

Jessica Amber Murray
i don't think it's any one thing, so much as a culmination of observations. the approach you're taking to existing in a social reality will probably serve you well in the long run, once you can get beyond the institutionalized daycare system that the elites have constructed for us, and is keeping people chained to their own ambitions pushing into their late 20s. it's exactly the quality that i lack, and has kept me from being able to succeed socially. but, that juxtaposition puts me in a situation where i'm in deep peril in the medium-term because i'm not equipped to respond. it's not that i don't want to be your friend. i actually sort of do. i rather like you. it's that i've come to understand that it's not safe for me to continue along that path, that there's an inevitable endpoint that will cause me harm. i realize you might not fully understand, and i'm sorry if you don't, but i have to keep myself sheltered from certain things. and, i do hope things work out for you in the way that you want them to.

Shelly Teagan
Lol i dropped out of school if that makes you feel better. Also i have no ambitions anymore.

Baha. I seriously dont give a shit about shit.

this elite, institutionalized daycare!!!!!

Jessica Amber Murray
well, that doesn't make me feel better. why did you drop out?

Shelly Teagan
I think i want to go to algonquin and become a technician or something.

Jessica Amber Murray
i dropped out several times and went back, if that makes *you* feel better. i was going into third year when i said "fuck it, i'm going to get a job in a coffee shop and make music". i took the semester off, drank a ton, had a lot of fun and then want back in the fall. yeah. i was kind of getting the impression that maybe you wanted to study something other than music.

Shelly Teagan
I was trying to show you how un-competitive im being. Lolll.

Anyways i might not come to windsor this week. I might go to guelph only, and midland maybe

Jessica Amber Murray
that's very competitive of you :P

you shouldn't try to change yourself for others.

Shelly Teagan
Im confused again. Damnit!

Bahhh i cant win!

Jessica Amber Murray
always trying to win...

Shelly Teagan
Shitt..... nvm. Ok gotta run. My phone is about to shut off.

Jessica Amber Murray
listen, i wouldn't make you sleep outside, either. i just think we should be going our separate ways. good luck.

Shelly Teagan
Lol ok, jess. See ya.

Jessica Amber Murray
and, erin, just one more thing? realize that i'm not happy about this, that it hurts me to do this, probably more than you. now, i'm having this fear that you wanted to come down here to see me, and it's like a stab in the heart that i responded like i did. you know that feeling you get when your emotional hormones just go haywire? but, that's exactly why i had to.

Shelly Teagan
Youre just trying to find reasons to cut people out so you can feel more alone than you already do. Im not taking it personally. I just feel bad that you feel like you have to alienate everybody you know
i picked up this little one person blender (500 ml) for $10 and it's pretty much the greatest thing ever. one banana, one peach, a handful of strawberries and some vanilla soy, all blended up. it's pretty much all i consume, now.

well, that and tomato sandwiches. and some eggs and pasta every few days for some protein.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

RE: is a passport required for a nexus card? **13-41051** link to **13-40951**

To: "'Jessica Murray'" <>

We recommend that you contact the NEXUS Enrolment Centre nearest you for assistance. A directory is available at:

Also, you may contact the following NEXUS Canadian processing centres during regular business hours:

•    1-866-496-3987 for British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents
•    1-800-842-7647 for Ontario and United States residents
•    1-866-399-5887 for Quebec and Atlantic residents

Should you wish to obtain more information on NEXUS, we invite you to consult the Canada Border Services Agency Web site at:

Thank you for contacting the Canada Border Services Agency.
you can imagine that this isn't what i wanted to see as the first major event that's happened in my new neighbourhood. this kid lived down the street. i saw her frequently. we never spoke, but we made a lot of eye contact; she often tossed a smile my way as she drove her bicycle by, as i was sitting on the curb having a cigarette.

at that age? it's wise not to draw conclusions until some evidence surfaces. thanksgiving is an excellent day to disappear for a few weeks. if you see what i mean. comments online suggest her facebook profile has been disabled, which i'd have to think implies a desire to not be found. or at least not for a little while, anyways.

the word on the street here is considerably more alarmist. according to one lady, who felt the need to go door-to-door and warn every single female in the neighbourhood, there's a gang of rapists on the loose and we should all be sure not to go out after dark. i wasn't able to verify that information online, but i'm aware of rape statistics, too. it's certainly unnerving, that's for sure. and maybe i've decided to stay in tonight, just to be safe. but i wonder if there was a racial component to her warning. i think i may have picked one up in her body language. and i wonder if that relegates it to a fear of the other.

that's not to say there's not cause for concern, or even cause for alarmism. this whole moving 800 km from home thing just got a little bit real.

first things first: i hope the kid is ok.

they're ruling victoria's death a suicide, but it doesn't seem to add up well.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Re: is a passport required for a nexus card? **13-40951**

From: Jessica Murray <>

i appreciate the response, but you didn't come close to answering my questions.

is a passport required to apply for a nexus card? does having a nexus card come with an implicit assumption of having a passport? can a nexus card be used as a replacement for a passport?

maybe i'll give you a call tomorrow...


RE: is a passport required for a nexus card? **13-40951**

To: "Jessica Murray" <>

You may qualify to participate in NEXUS if you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States and have lived in Canada and/or the United States continuously for the last three years.

You may not qualify if one of the following applies:

•    you are inadmissible to Canada or the United States under applicable immigration laws;
•    you intentionally provide false or incomplete information on your application;
•    you have been convicted of a serious criminal offence in any country for which you have not received a pardon (for U.S. background checks you may be questioned about your full criminal history, including arrests and pardons, which may exclude you from NEXUS);
•    you have a recorded violation of customs, immigration or agriculture law; or
•    you fail to meet other requirements of NEXUS.

Effective June 30, 2012, Canadian and American citizens living outside of Canada or the United States or who have recently returned to either country and have not previously been able to meet the three-year residency requirement are now eligible to apply. In addition, certain permanent residents are also exempted from the three-year residency requirement. For further information on any of the above, please visit the NEXUS Web site at: 

Both Canada and the United States must approve your application for you to become a member of NEXUS. If you do not meet all of the requirements, your application will be denied.

Should you require additional assistance, we recommend that you contact the nearest NEXUS Enrolment Centre. A directory is available at: 

Also, you may contact the following NEXUS Canadian processing centres during regular business hours:

•    1-866-496-3987 for British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba residents
•    1-800-842-7647 for Ontario and United States residents
•    1-866-399-5887 for Quebec and Atlantic residents

Should you wish to obtain more information on NEXUS, we invite you to consult the Canada Border Services Agency Web site at:

Thank you for your interest in the NEXUS program.

is a passport required for a nexus card?

From: Jessica Murray <>


i've just moved to windsor. i'd like to get the proper documents to be able to go over to detroit to see some concerts. nothing particularly difficult in the request.

however, i'm finding the reference requirements to obtain a passport to be very difficult. i just don't know a lot of people, nor do i know anybody that could act as a 'guarantor'. finding two references is difficult enough; four is virtually impossible for me. that's not a reflection of my fitness for very short-term cross-border travel, though, it's just a reflection of my social skills.

in searching for alternatives, i've found the nexus card. it seems like this process interviews me directly, rather than asking me to provide references. that's a process that is better suited for me to go through.

i'm just a little confused as to whether a passport is required to apply for a nexus card. i have a valid birth certificate, a valid health card, a valid sin card and various other things (although i never took the time to learn to drive, and consequently don't have a driver's license). i'm unclear as to whether the application is requesting a passport AND a birth certificate or a passport OR a birth certificate.

i'm also a little confused about the longer term usefulness of the nexus card. i've read some things online that suggest that, should i be stopped, i would be asked for a passport. yet, i'm looking to get the nexus card because i can't find the references to get a passport.

so, i guess the question i'm asking is if a nexus card is something i could use as a valid replacement for a passport in the context of just going over for a few hours to catch a show and then coming back.

there may be a way around this. there’s a thing called a NEXUS card that’s designed for “low-risk” cross-border travel, and relies on a personal interview rather than a set of references.
Jessica Amber Murray
hi. you guys have passports, right? could i use one of you as a "guarantor"? i just want to be able to go over to detroit to catch the odd concert. the process to be "allowed" to do that seems really ridiculous, but this is how things work... i hope things are going well with you guys. life here has been different. i went into a little bit of a funk when i got here (the whole process of moving here was just really overwhelming, with everything happening all at once), but i'm starting to get out of it. really, i'm glad i had the time away from people and free of external pressure to reflect, heal and adjust - and enough things to d to keep my mind occupied. it's what i needed. but, yeah, if i can use you as a guarantor it would make this process a lot easier. as it is, i'm going to have to rely on some documentation and argumentation...

The Oldest Aunt’s Wife
no passport enhanced driver license would that help

Jessica Amber Murray
no. i don't even have a g-1. thanks anyways...

The Oldest Aunt’s Wife
no will a enhanced help you get a passport

Jessica Amber Murray
no. or at least i don't think so. i should probably check to make sure though.

The Oldest Aunt’s Wife
we can help

is it an identity

you can put us down as knowing you

Jessica Amber Murray
i'm sorry, i'm not understanding the question. i have two choices. i can get a guarantor (somebody with a passport, i'll check to see how flexible that definition is) + 2 references or i can just go with 4 references. reality is i have 0 references, so going with the guarantor would make it a lot easier to further argue with odsp documents, etc.

i could use you as a guarantor, but not a reference, because you're family.

The Oldest Aunt’s Wife
what does a guarantor have to do

Jessica Amber Murray
i'm under the impression that a guarantor is simply somebody with a passport, and that itself is enough to act as a reference. i have to look further into that... very little of this process is making sense to me, so i'm not really expecting to find a valid purpose or explanation.

The Oldest Aunt’s Wife
let use know if we can help

Jessica Amber Murray
i will, thanks.
i really don't have the slightest idea just how big this sprawling metropolis in front of me actually is.

(the corporate tax cuts spurred on by neo-liberal nonsense couldn't have helped)

the new ranaldo disc is really stellar, btw.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

you know, i don't mind the border people doing all kinds of inane checks into my history. in the end, they might not like my politics, and it might harm my employment opportunities (if it hasn't already, and i'm sure it has), but i don't expect that to be a serious limit on anything i actually want to do in life. i don't find surveillance to be particularly bothersome, not even at a deep level. i dunno, call me a political voyeur or something...

...but the reference requirements are really quite onerous. if you don't know anybody with a passport, you need to find four people that aren't family and have known you for more than two years and they have to vouch that the information you provide (which is mundane shit like address and work history) is valid.

i couldn't even find one person that's known me for two years well enough to verify that.

nor is it really useful in any kind of...well, anything. security wise, references are stupid. i've been through this argument with employers. do you expect me to give you a bad reference? really, what the process is doing is determining if the applicant has the social skills to build personal friendships or not. that's at least arguably valid in an employment situation. it's of almost no value in a passport situation.

all of this is so that i can walk over a bridge to see a concert, maybe have a few beers. to spend money in the local economy, if you want to phrase it like that.

i'm good at 'splainin'. i can run off odsp documents, write an essay. i'm sure i'll convince them.

...but the whole process is really quite stupid, regardless of the angle it's being approached from.

Friday, October 11, 2013

deleting 95% of my facebook "friends"

i actually deleted almost everybody, so don't feel singled out. the list is down to family (or people that are practically family) and people that i feel post content that i find to be interesting. it's just a handful of people.

it's not really personal, it's mostly about moving on and leaving the past behind. chances are that i just decided i wasn't interested in what you were posting and didn't really want to read it anymore. so, chances are that i don't dislike you, and that wasn't the reason i deleted you. it's just that the past is the past and i'd like to place it there explicitly.

however, i've also come to learn that the vast majority of people in this world have broken hearts. by that, what i mean is that they are fundamentally broken people. broken by a system, perhaps, but jaded to the point where they are fundamentally unable to be 'good'. they may not even realize that, or how their views and actions have been so deeply shaped by the paradigms of neo-liberalism. the optimist in me wants to believe that we can all work through this together, that the solution is some kind of group therapy, but the realist in me understands that the vast majority of people are simply too far gone. i've come to understand that 'friends' are consequently more often liabilities than assets, and that nobody can ever really be trusted in our society beyond a very base level. i've been burned, pretty hard, and need to take the initiative to stay away from people that i'm convinced will eventually stab me in the back. think of it as preventive action.

i have my feed set for public updates. it's set up that way because i'm not opposed to people subscribing, or people i've deleted continuing to read my feed. if you don't want to continue receiving my posts, you can click the little rotated > in the corner of the post and choose to hide all updates from me. alternatively, you could block and unblock me.

i wish people luck in the future. i just want to get away from the past.

i'll remind people that i'm on odsp for ptsd and, whether the diagnosis is rigorous or not, there's no question that i had a profound mental breakdown that was largely driven by a reaction to how other people discarded me. i'm still struggling with how to cope with that, and how to adjust, but i remain convinced, looking back, that i ignored a lot of warning signs under the misguided hope that goodness of heart would prevail in the end. i may be overcompensating, but i can't risk triggering myself backwards, and i request that people simply respect my decision in the context of me feeling it's a necessary step to maintaining my mental health. i feel i can get out now largely unscathed and without collapsing into any sort of episode. just respect that, please.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

i've been watching this spider here for several hours, now. it's been crawling around me every which way, over ceilings, behind canvasses and apparently along axes that i'm simply too primitive to comprehend. could it be hunting me? naw...

it's just looking for somewhere to park a corner web to catch little insects. i don't mind a spider or two. i've seen grosser bugs down here (what are those goofy ones that tumble around, over-enthusiastically, anyways? they remind me of retrievers, sort of. some kind of centipede, i think. but they're built like hyperactive, bouncing squares. i'm always suppressing a giggle, and then they get away.), and if the spiders can help with that then that's a good thing. if they get out of hand, in comes the vacuum, but one or two at a time is fine.

then, why does it seem like this web is going to be roughly five by five? feet, that is.

fortunately, the spider seems a little confused about my movement. let alone about my weight. see, it seems to think i'm likely to throw myself directly into the wall. well, i guess it throws itself directly into the wall. it's just relating it's own experiences the way that it knows how. perhaps? what else can explain a five by five web in the middle of a wall?

so, i'm debating my strategies, here. i have to admit i'm a little irked about my perceived role as a food source. fucking eight-eyes. yet, i admire the thing's sheer insolence.

I don't mind a small spider or 2...But the centipedes give me the creepy crawlies!

jessica amber murray 
they're too hilarious. i want to toss a frisbie at one....

Well... I have had one or two crawl up my jean pant leg in the past...Yikes!

jessica amber murray
ok, do you mean the big square ones? i don't mean the long ones. i don't think they're actually centipedes, but i think they're related to centipedes.

It was the long thin brownish ones covered with legs and they are fast!... Not sure what the big square ones are?

jessica amber murray
yeah, that's not what i mean. those are just yick. i mean these awkward looking things that really have four big legs. when they run, they're constantly just off balance enough to make it look like they're going to fall over.

they sort of gallop.

it's hilarious.

LOL...If you say so...

jessica amber murray
i'm generally ok with bugs. the only really freaky moment i can recall is the time i got attacked by a praying mantis. and those things are actually huge. i don't know if you've ever seen one - first and last time i have.

No...But one time a walking stick was on my arm and kinda freaked me out....

jessica amber murray
i was coming home very early in the morning from a party, and it flew in the door when i opened up, sat on the ground for a second, and then lunged itself at me. i got my arm up in time to knock it down, which also smashed it into the wall. i panicked and went after it with a frying pan...

it was at least a foot long. i thought it was a bird at first...

OMG! Yikes!

jessica amber murray
worse, was nobody believed me. dad just laughed at me and told me to stop doing so many drugs. then, a few years later when i saw a shrew in the basement (and i know the difference between a shrew and a mouse, thank you), it was just like i got attacked by the praying mantis and i should stop doing psychedelics...

(it's important because most shrews are poisonous, so you don't want to treat them like mice!)

the one that went after me was bright, lime, glowing green.

i don't know if this guy realizes that thing is poisonous. i find most people don't know this. i spent too many hours reading biology books as a kid, i guess.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
to the very rude ladybug that just tried to enter not one but THREE of my orifices before i could swat it away: i'm not dead yet.

the nerve…

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

....overheard walking down my street today.....

"wait, that's a girl"
"nah, it's a guy."
"dude. that's a GIRL."
"it's a guy!"
"da fuck you looking at, man? GIRL."

it only occurred to me afterwards that i could have walked over and clarified. was just a little bit uncomfortable about being microscoped.