Saturday, May 30, 2020

this is complete nonsense.

what are they going to do if i just ignore them and walk right in? are they going to call the police? are they going to charge me with not wearing a mask?

you can be sure they'll end up with a charter case, if they do.

they have no enforcement rights, here. at all. nor does their status as private businesses give them the right to discriminate against customers based on their clothing - that's what human rights laws are for.
so, i've been sleepy since wednesday morning and have largely blown the last few days. i mean, i've been working at it, but i've only gotten a few hours done.

the temperature crashed by ten degrees celsius yesterday afternoon, which messed with me, and we're getting a cold and gross weekend. i'm not going to ask for the heat to come on, but it's cold in here, and it really sucks.

i've already used the stove a few times, and i'm going to have to take...i'm probably going to have to shower a few times to warm up. it's just the facts of it.

i've got one last section to cross-reference, and it could really, honestly be done by the morning, or by the afternoon.