Thursday, April 16, 2020

so, i got through a few more calls today...

the pharmacy tried to push the generic estrogen on me, yet again, and actually got a little bit pushy with me about it.

"the brand name is on back-order. what we have is the generic, and that is what you will get!"

yeah. right. just call her the estrogen nazi, i guess. no estrace for me.

obviously, that's not acceptable customer service, and i was hardly going to tolerate anybody talking to me like that. so, i called around, found a store with the brand name and moved my prescription there, instead.

it is a bit of a walk, which is frustrating. but, we'll see how it works out from here. there are literally drug stores everywhere. i'm sure i can figure something out.

i was told it would be ready in the morning (early on the 16th), so i found myself in a bit of a quandary. i wanted to get up and clean, but i wanted to finish my shopping for the next couple of weeks, first. if i couldn't get the pills until the morning, should i wait? i decided i'd be better off doing the shopping today, and getting the pills last thing in the morning.

so, i left a little after 5:00 and, after two heavy trips, was back around 20:00 with basically everything i'd need to hermit until mid-may. i got immediately to putting some of this stuff away, and made some progress on it, before i sat down for a minute to check what time the store opens at.

and, the answer is that the store doesn't close.

"wait. so, that means i could pick up the pills at midnight, then. but, what if they're already bottled, then? if i can get them now..."

so, i gave them a call and they were indeed bottled, leading me to a third trip out around 21:30.

it's a 45 minute walk in both directions, so it's not sustainable, but i got what i wanted, along with a few other scattered things and was home by 11:30 - for the next roughly three weeks, solid. i don't plan to even open the door...

i did not buy any marijuana, this time, so i should be alert and focused and productive for the next three weeks, so long as the computers in the apartment continue to work.