Monday, December 23, 2019

so, i'm going to grab some fruit and soften the air in here a bit.

i've been at this for the better part of the last 18 hours, and i got two liner notes done from scratch and updated the first one, as well. the first one was lengthier due to typesetting, whereas the second was shorter because there wasn't much to add. there are four more left that should all be more like the second, so i should conceivably be able to get them done by the time i get my christmas eve pizza. but i should get the forms in order for the request first, because i'm not going to wait long before i request an order. if i can file the order tomorrow i will.

they have now sent me two requests for an extension, and i have rejected both. i don't celebrate christmas, and am not going to give them a break for the holidays. if anything, i'll take advantage of it to force them to default. if i could just cease to have to deal with them ever again, that would be incredible.

but, i'm happy i'm making some progress.

i still need to get through december/13 & january/14, both of which are shorter months, before i can start making entries in the alter-reality and start refocusing on period 3.