Thursday, January 30, 2020

i'm sure that last comment pissed a few people off. meh.

i think it's a fairly unobjectionable statement, actually. you could make the argument that it's a concerto, and i guess i'd say "ok, but a piano concerto is not a piece for solo piano", and that is what the ravel piece often actually is, in actuality.

there are some points where it blows up, sure.

but, if you watch the video, even the conductor gets bored near the end, he's just kind of standing there, like he's in a shoegaze band, or something, waving his little baton around like he just watched the german hockey team get walloped by the canadian squad.

"15-0. great. give me another schnitzel."

self-indulgent is actually the right way to describe a piece like this, that allows the lead instrument to delve into these long passages that bore everybody to tears.

that said, the focus of the piece is the first part of it, and this is a compelling piece of music when it wants to be.

but, they could really chop a good section out of it. 
i've always found this piece to be a little bit self-indulgent, honestly, but it's not awful and i won't skip it.

this is a particularly obtuse piece by stravinsky, who is known for his obtuse pieces.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

so, what have we got for the first half, at least?

1st - poppy + defiled. maybe. it's a good combo show, but we'll see how i feel on saturday.
3rd - shoegaze show @ ufo. probably not.
4th - prog show @ otus, ferndale or marching band show @ el club. maybe.
7th - django reinhardt tribute @cliff's bells. probably not.
14/15/16 - la mer @ dso. for sure.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

i remember when i skipped grimes at the babylon in ottawa, although i almost went to see the opening act (born gold), and would have if i wasn't broke, although i was considering leaving early...

"it just sounds like madonna. this isn't going anywhere. it's just all hype."

and, i don't step away from that analysis. grimes is overrated.

but, it is a show i regret missing,

so, i think my initial perception that this is just shallow capitalism was actually spot on. you can say i didn't get the joke, i guess, but it's less that i didn't get it and more that i just saw right through it - it's more like when a comedian walks into a club and says something she thinks is absolutely hilarious, and then just gets dead air instead. it's more stupid than it is funny, really.

so, if i thought there was nothing to this besides an attempt to maximize profit, i guess i was right. and, this video here would appear to be the decryption matrix.

i dunno. i still might want to get out of the house. put some makeup on. have a few beers. let's see what else i can line up for the month....

it looks like a slow month, though.

and, if i scratch out most of the rest of the month off early, i may find myself wanting to get out of the house on saturday night.

i think i have grounds to expect a show at least.

i might give it a chance to redeem itself as performance art. maybe....

like i say: i want to pull something out of this, i just really don't like the metallic imagery. i wish it was less system of a down and more bjork...
i had to sleep.

those thoughts were rambly and unorganized. so, let me summarize.

poppy is not a metal singer, but she has appropriated the aesthetic of metal in a very shallow and surface manner. i initially reacted by comparing her to marilyn manson, but manson himself was essentially just 80s hair metal, and this is an idea that is maybe better rooted in something like van halen. her music is essentially a series of strung together cliches, which the kids today call "memes", but which music critics still can't like, even if it's currently hip and trendy to be unoriginal.

i have a longstanding aversion to the aesthetic she is shallowly appropriating, stemming from my upbringing in 90s anti-rock iconoclasm. my initial reaction was exceedingly negative, as would be expected from anybody coming from that background.

her music has a certain level of elaborateness to it, though, and i can't help but be drawn to the complexity underlying it, and sort of want to find some underlying value to it. i can often sort through a bad surface image to try to get through to something more worthwhile underneath. however, i find the surface heavy metal aesthetic to be singularly too unappealing to be able to do this in any substantive way, and i'm not convinced that there's actually much there, anyways.

i've mentioned that i'm at least pleasantly surprised by the more serious nature of the younger generation of pop musicians, and this might fall into that category, eventually.

but, my opinion is that this walk down the road of heavy metal imagery is a decidedly wrong turn, and if that poppy is going to write substantive pop music in the future then she'll have to drop the 80s metal cliches, which are just simply artistically irredeemable.
so, i've got the list built up, but i'm actually mostly going to be listening to classical music for the next however long.

i told you this was coming.

i like ravel, but i couldn't imagine going to one of his operas. the "debussy and ravel" night the week after is more likely. and, then they're doing beethoven's sixth the week after that.

as for rock shows, it is very likely that i'll hit man or astroman at the end of the month - that's actually a kind of a bucket list show, for me. that's the only thing i'm taking seriously, right now.

there are a few shows in march, but it looks like april is particularly stacked. i may find myself wanting to save up, instead.

so, i'll be spending the day listening and testing.
on second thought, i found a few things near the end of the month that are pretty high probability.....

i'll get a list up in a bit.
this is our last solar cycle to figure this out in.

and, if business continues as normal, we probably won't make it through it without seeing irreversible climate change kick in.
i remember back around 2013 or so i was saying things like "this might be the last serious winter that we get here".

then we got some brutal winters. and, i had to adjust my thinking around the topic.

the way climate change has been affecting us here has been to incrementally shift the oscillations upwards. there are 11 and 22 year solar cycles (roughly), and climate change doesn't reverse or negate those, but it can exaggerate or blunt them. the last couple of years have felt very cold, it is true, and we have seen some record breaking temperatures as well, but, on average, they've trended upwards.

but, we were at the low point of the cycle, and we're coming out of it now...

the northern hemisphere has an exaggerated importance regarding climate feedbacks. the next 11-22 years are really critical. politicians keep looking for deadlines, because they think we need some kind of business normality, that we need to get the fucking memo, but of course it's not going to actually work like that - we can't calculate the exact moment where we're officially fucked. we won't know it until it happens....

but, what we can say with some certainty is that we're entering the end game. we don't know how strong this solar cycle is going to be. if it's really, really weak then maybe we eek out another cycle before we're officially fucked; more likely is that the coming tipping points are now imminent, and we're in a race against time, as the sun starts to accelerate the process rather than slow it down.

if these tipping points click in over the next 11-22 years, then winter's years in southern canada may be numbered, and we may have seen our last serious winter, here. 
i'm going to be analyzing shows in detroit for the next month, but i don't expect to attend many, if any at all.

Friday, January 24, 2020

1) this is the noise trade link for the readable version of the third semester, 2013 archive for this blog:

2) this is the noise trade link for the readable version of the full 2013 archive of this blog (current reality abridgement, so from july 16th-dec 31st):

unfortunately, noise trade did not work out as a hosting solution, and i never got a clear answer as to why. but, i decided in the end that the site was full of ads and unworkable, anyways.

these archives are no longer available as standalones, but only as components in the full first reconstruction phase archive, available in the following places:

the bandcamp archives for july through to december are here:

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

my windows box seems to be under intense cyber attack, and the fact that they don't seem to know what to do with the chromebook is as much evidence that it's the cops as anything else.

my xp laptop seems to be rebooting, too, but the thing is too old to care much about.

so, this should have been done months ago, but what can i say? it's done now. here is the readable version of the december, 2013 archive for this blog....

unfortunately, noise trade did not work out as a hosting solution, and i never got a clear answer as to why. but, i decided in the end that the site was full of ads and unworkable, anyways.

the readable version of the december, 2013 archive for this blog is now available as a standalone in the music journal package at bandcamp:

...or as a component in the full first reconstruction phase archive, available in the following places:

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

sleeping isn't something that any of us get to actually avoid. hopefully, that's enough of that for another 50 hours or so...

i need to get on this deferral.

to recap, so it's clear what i'm doing. 

back in the summer of '18, i was aggressively applying for housing with whomever would take an application. i was specifically seeking a housing complex that would ruthlessly enforce a non-smoking policy - i wanted to find a management group that would throw somebody out for smoking anything, on the spot. what i found instead was apartment after apartment that advertised itself as non-smoking, but was full of smokers.

out of the blue in august, one ad that i had applied for repeatedly with minimal response told me that if i kept responding then they'd call the cops and have me charged with harassment. i interpreted this as a challenge to my speech rights, and told them that any attempts to prevent me from applying for housing with this complex will be met with a discrimination lawsuit.

i was, in fact - absurdly - arrested and held overnight and then speciously charged with repeated communication for the purposes of renting an apartment, a charge that does not exist in the criminal code. after some ridiculous attempts to get me to plea bargain and admit to committing a crime that doesn't exist, the charges were eventually dropped. with prejudice.

i am currently fighting a divisional court appeal on the legality of the arrest, which i will need to schedule when the scheduler gets back at the end of the week. i expect this to go to the court of appeal, and may need to take it to the supreme court. this has been the focus of most of my efforts....

there will then be a direct constitutional rights challenge regarding the legality of the arrest, in which i will be suing the windsor police for millions of dollars for false arrest and illegal detainment. one thing at a time. but, that's the end goal - a multi-million dollar lawsuit directed at the city.

but, there is still the issue of the discrimination suit that set the process off.

there is no statute of limitations regarding charter challenges, and i'm content to wait for the judicial review to complete before i launch the final challenge.  but, i had to get the human rights complaint in within a year.

problem: i did not know this person's address, and could not find it in the phone book. that's necessary to serve the person. and, i make no argument there - i think the process as it is is archaic, but i agree that serving parties is important. the case shouldn't go forward without her knowledge, and she does deserve the right to defend herself.

i didn't know what to do, though, so i filed the case without an address. the tribunal responded, as was expected, but in a way that was less helpful than i expected - it told me to get them the address by a specific date, or they'd drop the case.

as i was unwilling to make any attempt to figure out who this person was that could be construed as attempting to gather information about her, i made the rather cheeky step of filing a request for an order with the police, as they were the only entity that i was certain knew her address and i felt comfortable in the unambiguous and clear legality of doing such a thing. i wasn't even comfortable doing a basic facebook search for this woman, at this point, as the cops seemed keen to frame me with whatever they could. the request to get the address from the cops made the point clear - i didn't know where this woman lived or anything about her, and suggestions to the contrary are merely the insane projections of a schizophrenic loon. rather, i was rather obviously arrested to try and intimidate me from filing the suit, and that can't succeed in a free society - not any more than a threat to infringe upon my speech rights can. this is a matter of principle. i have the most basic fundamental rights and freedoms to defend, here, against an out of control police force that needs to be taken down a notch.

the judge responded by telling me that i should do a corporate search first, and that if i can't find the address using the corporate search then i should file the order again.

so, i went to the special library in toronto and got the search done and got a po box at a money mart - an obviously wrong address, as money mart has not offered po boxes in many years. as such, i did file the order again.

the judge's response this time was different. he pointed out that i did my due diligence in getting the address, and came up with an address that is obviously not in current use. he recognized that i was making a request that the police hand over the address because i realized that the existing address is not in use. however, he then decided that this was enough due diligence on my behalf and that it is her responsibility to update her address with the government, not the court's to chase her down to find it. he then indicated that the court would treat the case in absentia should she not respond within the statutorily prescribed 35 days, which are up as of today.

so, the update on the situation is that she has now forfeited the right to defend herself, which is perhaps not the outcome i'd have ruled upon, but an easier path for me, nonetheless.

the judge had to make a judgement call, here. there are privacy laws here, but she also has a right to be served, and, as noted, the cops were the only way i knew how to legally get the address. if she ends up losing a $100,000 case without being given the opportunity to defend herself - or settle - it is questionable that the police will have acted in her best interests. if i were the lawyer for the cops, i'd have probably volunteered the information, under the recognition that a strong case exists against her, and she deserves to be able to defend herself in it. what they did doesn't protect her, it exposes her to a large lawsuit that she'll probably lose if she can't defend herself in it.

so, what is more important here, from the judges' perspective? does she deserve the right to present a defense? if so, he should order the cops to hand over the information. or do the privacy laws overpower? if so, he should order the trial to continue in absentia. what the judge picked was the path of least interference - and in the process gave me an open floor to make my case. 

i do not feel that this should go forward until we can get a clear answer from the judicial review on the legality of the arrest, partly because i'm probably going to be requesting an inquiry at the hearing. if the arrest was illegal, how much influence did the property owner have over it? so, i would have liked to defer this earlier. however, i would have had to serve all of the parties in order to do so, and i did not have the address of the respondent.

when i initially filed the case in july, i also had reasonable grounds to expect the process would be finished by now. these delays have a ripple effect.

what changes today is that i no longer need to worry about serving the respondent - i can just send the relevant material to the tribunal.

so, we're going to start with the deferral request - which goes strictly to the tribunal - and go from there.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

it's maybe forgotten to history, but the idea underlying this record was that ziggy took a trip to america, and it was consequently intended to sound like the then thriving glam and punk scene in detroit.

Friday, January 10, 2020

...but i want to make a point clear. it should already be clear...

...but if i don't go to your shows, or review your records, or otherwise acknowledge your existence, chances are pretty high that the reason is that i think you suck. and, there's a lot of bad music in detroit, controlled by a lot of filters with very bad taste.

so, i mean, if i'm not "supporting your scene", it's not some kind of accident. it's because i don't like it. and, i don't care how cool you think you are, either.

broadly speaking, art should not and cannot be thought of as a transactional process. this idea of "supporting the scene" is exactly why there's so much garbage out there - people get shows because they did somebody a favour, and are consequently expected to buy into a system before they can get something out of it. it's pay to play. and, it's bullshit, and i won't have anything to do with it.

i understand that i need to meet people and network, that i can't just create the greatest thing ever and expect it to magically sell, that i have to find some way to market it. i understand that i live in a capitalist reality, whether i like it or not.

but, i'm not remotely interested in any sort of "scene" that rewards loyalty over talent. that scene is going to suck, and it won't take long before it's full of dumbass macho bros sitting around by themselves wondering why nobody shows up.

i need you to evaluate my art on it's merit and i want to be a part of a scene that values my talent, not one  that rewards me for seniority and for showing up.

there's reasons i'm at the age i'm at and have kept an arms-length distance from every scene i've ever been near. after a while, i basically hate virtually everybody, and the feeling is often fairly mutual.

but, i need it to be about the value of the art, or i don't want to show up at all.
i had to go out for a few hours this afternoon. would i come back to another infiltrated machine? 

well, it came out of hibernation ok. but, i started poking around and found a bunch more weird deployment files that i don't recognize, which got deleted. but, there were no obvious problems, yet.

i lost the week, which means it's time to do another lookahead for shows for next week...

i made some tweaks, first in the gpedit and then in the firewall.

then, i decided to check my email before i got started and found the notice from the oiprd at a dropbox link.

activists beware: dropbox is a spook site. you can look this up. never click a dropbox link or install software from dropbox, it will install police surveillance software on your machine.

and, i then got my dberr updates, as expected. so, i suspect i'm running on borrowed time, and i'll need to reinstall by the next reboot.  

i'm not certain if the trigger was the email from the cops or updating one of the mmc plugins.

so, i'm torn between forcing the reinstall and waiting, but i think that so long as i don't open any documents, what they can do is limited. it's all backed up. repeatedly...

i actually kind of want to see what happens by letting it sit.

but, i expect to need to reimage after the next reboot, and that's ok.

for the day, i need to look ahead another week and then read through these documents. and, i'll reimage tonight.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

ok, so i snuck in and out. hopefully, my decoy worked.

well, these guys are motherfuckers.

i got a two line email from the oiprd suggesting they consent to allowing the addendum and informing me that they'll serve me by the end of the week. but, they said that last month.

i guess i'll call the court tomorrow morning, then.

and, hopefully the forwarding works from here on in. that also gives me a backup email archive...

Thursday, January 2, 2020

it's the start of a new month, so it's time to see if there's anything happening in detroit that may interest me over the next few weeks.

while it's very, very difficult to get me out of the house at this time of the year, and as such i probably won't be going anywhere for quite a while, long enough that i may even consider buying tickets for shows in the spring, i will nonetheless do a survey of some stuff that's happening in a few spots.

but, i'm actually trying to fast track through the last two months of the first rebuild so i can get on with it, and let's see how that works itself out.