Saturday, May 2, 2020

again: stop protesting.

just go live.

do you need the government to tell you what you are and aren't allowed to do? really?

so, snap out of it.

all you've ever gotten from doug ford is a constant stream of steady bullshit, it's all you're getting from him now and it's all you'll ever get from him in the future - because that's what he does, he bullshits.
you have to wonder.

if you could put him in some sort of squeeze device, and just compress his fat ass, would shit come out of his mouth?
if you can send me a link to a press conference where doug ford isn't talking out of his ass, a situation where he isn't blatantly bullshitting, i will buy you a beer when this is done.

i suspect it's never happened.

so, we need to consider the source when he speaks.

it's just bullshit after more bullshit after more bullshit....
he's head bullshitter.

we need to wise up, ontario.
every word out of doug ford's mouth is just a steady stream of complete bullshit - just like it has been for years and years.

he's only capable of doing one thing, and it's bullshitting people.

nothing's changed - it's bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
we have no idea what's going on here at all.
i don't want hope and bullshit.

i want facts and data.
when your leaders lie to you, withhold the facts, and talk down to you like you're children, you do not live in a free society - you are cattle, you are enslaved.

everything that doug ford says is the opposite of reality, but that was true before this started, wasn't it?

we need to build immunity faster, or we're going to be enslaved forever. if you want this to end sooner, then get out there and spread this faster.