Thursday, December 28, 2017

and, so, we see the outcome of our religiously organized technocratic colonial outpost in the desert, our hopes for the modernization of the region through the proxy of western influence, here:

the jews are going to destroy themselves, anyways, just wait it out. they always do. this religion of theirs is absolutely toxic. it puts useful bounds around their ambitions, but they're never a moment's away from absolute collapse into brutal theocracy. when it comes, they will squander their advantages - the technology will rot, and the people will be at these crumbling walls, howling for it to stop. 

the turks don't still do this kind of thing, do they?

this saudi created mess in the middle east may end up with what the saudis really wanted, which was political maps redrawn to demonstrate actual influence. but, the map they imagined wasn't representative of actual influence. and, the map may be redrawn quite counter to their influences.

we're losing turkey at the worst time, right when the historic eastern mediterranean superstate is beginning to reconstruct itself. that was an alliance that the west should have tended closer to. but, i've written a few rants about the turks, and their rejection from europe really forces them to look to their southeast for cultural integration. europe is forcing turkey back into it's days of empire.

the existence of such an east mediterannean superstate is the historical norm. the phoenicians and greeks were initially very different people, but they were united under the control of the persian empire, and the eastern coast then hellenized rather willingly under the influence of alexander's descendants. from this point on, this region took on a fundamentally greek identity, including with the adoption of christianity, which is part of what allowed it to gain independence in the partition of the roman empire, as a greek state. this superstate was split into two by the advancing arab armies, not to be effectively reunited again until the turks recreated it in the form of the ottoman empire.

the saudis clearly had intended to dominate this region with religious warlords that were subservient to their commands, with no foresight as to the eventuality of revolt from such actors. but, they've been prevented from doing this by a coalition of russians and turks, operating in syria. they are going to get to redraw these maps, that do truly need to be redrawn.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

the one thing that i want to add to this is that one of those upper level atmospheric effects that determines the location and duration of an outbreak of the polar vortex is how much sunlight is reaching the earth's surface. the current theory of ice ages, which is still young and will no doubt be much revised, argues that fluctuations in the earth's and sun's orbits can trigger the onset of ice ages. certainly, milder and hopefully less permanent fluctuations in the sun's strength are a dominant cause of the weather we experience in the populated regions of canada.

the weak solar cycle is almost certainly the dominant cause of the prolonged periods of exaggerated winter cold that we're receiving, even as the average temperatures keep climbing up.

here's an interesting idea: is there some force that would come and plunge us into an ice age, right when we're flooding the atmosphere with carbon? if you could imagine it: a higher consciousness in the universe, unleashing the cold almost as a means of self-defence. i admit i like the idea of planets as anthropomorphized objects; the ancients got that right. but, is the sun operating in conjunction with the other bodies, or is it a conspiracy of one? is this a universal force, or many forces in conflict? it's just a thought - imaginary. but, interesting, if you could conceptualize it. but, i want to think of it like running hot feet under cold water.

we can still have some hot summers here. maybe. but these cold winters seem like the norm, until the sun warms up.

Monday, December 25, 2017

i've actually long been swayed by the hypothesis that religion, as we understand it, is basically an elaborately distorted ufo cult. these stories of contacts with ancient beings in the sky may have an empirical basis, if you allow for contact with extra-terrestrial life. well, it's a naturalistic explanation, is it not? the sky is at the core of so much religion...

i don't claim to be able to rigorously demonstrate this, but i think it's probably actually true, nonetheless. it's kind of unfalsifiable, right? but that doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong - i'm post-godel, i'm sorry, it really doesn't. errr. bzzzztt. wrong.

it's certainly less convincing if it's unfalsifiable, i'll grant you that - it's not science. it's speculation. but, it might be science one day.

so, i don't find claims of entities in the sky to be particularly absurd or hard to believe - they've happened all throughout history, have they not?

Sunday, December 24, 2017

i said all along that the way to beat the travel ban is to argue that it's ineffective in it's stated purpose, not that it discriminates due to religion. the president gets a lot of discretion; you have to basically prove he's acting irrationally, and so you must do so by taking his claim of needing the ban for national security seriously and then proceed to demonstrate that the ban does not in any way actually do this. they went after him with the wrong legal tactic last time and ultimately lost; this time, they're doing this right and should win.

they could stop the wall that way, too. again: if you want to challenge the president in court, you have to take what he says seriously to start off with. so, the wall is intended to stop migrants from entering without prior approval. a strong legal case can be made that this will not actually work, that it is in truth simply an irrational policy. the law can be struck down on review if you win this case. i'm not sure who gets standing in such a case, though.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

if we're going to leave this up to government, the government has to listen.

cbd levels on the marketing is certainly a good idea. some consumers will seek higher cbd levels for medicinal reasons, while seeking to minimize thc levels. it's rarely going to work the other way. so, this is a request from concerned citizens that is absolutely reasonable, and that i dare suggest a market mechanism would more effectively generate. if government is going to control this, it needs to make the extra efforts to be responsive to reasonable requests.

the way they're planning on selling it strikes me as some kind of surreal joke, as though these policy makers determined their concept of the marijuana industry from gangster rap videos. one government representative suggested it would look something like a jewellery store. gotta protect tha bling. and, they're going to pat you down like you're buying from the mafia, or some mexican drug cartel. who is it that often compared the government to the mafia? again, it's like they got their concept of buying from hollywood films.

it's strange how fiction may actually create reality, in this context. well, how would these bureaucrats know any better, really? they have no first hand information, no empirical basis to draw deductions from. all they have is the depiction that is handed to them. and, this depiction is ubiquitous - it is across the spectrum of hollywood. it is not in independent films, but these bureaucrats can't be bothered with those, either. when fiction becomes ubiquitous like this, and government controls the commerce associated with it, the propaganda cannot not become reality. so, the government will create what it understands: an experience like going to see a kingpin.

it's crazy. of course.

they have to listen better. that's how to interact on an empirical basis, in context.
so, what am i doing this weekend?

well, i've got four days of cheap electricity, so i can work at a normal pace. i don't know what my electrical costs are going to be in this unit. i know that i'll get a credit applied eventually, but the process appears to be cumbersome and inefficient, so i don't know when. i tried to get them the information for mid-november, but they're telling me i need to wait two cycles, and not providing a coherent answer as to why. i got the thing escalated, at least. i don't know when to expect a response.

but, i'm conserving electricity in the mean time. my first bill should not be high, at least. the major cost is the fridge. i don't know after that. i need to get data before i can react to it.

i'm probably going to get some solar lamps and put them in the windows, then never turn the lights on. i have five giant windows in this apartment, six including the one in the bathroom. i really don't need lights at all. i'm going to need to check costs and crunch numbers to see if it makes sense, but it no doubt does. if they're around $20 each, it will make sense immediately. if they get to more than that i'll need to see...

i'm also considering getting a ups and using it as a battery, but that's going to again be determined by how much it costs and what my actual electrical costs end up being. what i could do with this is suck down electricity over night for use in the day, ensuring that i'm only paying off peak costs (except for the fridge and the cable modem), and i'm able to operate at will with the electrical.

the other thing i'm considering is just getting some solar panels and hooking them up to a battery. this would be intended for extraneous usage, like extra guitar effects or synthesizers. i'm just going to need to get an understanding of base usage, first.

the way this works is that they calculate the bill - and i have to pay something like $25/month just to use it - and then subtract $68 from the end of it. so, i'll get something like $40/month for free once it's set up. i actually don't expect my base usage to exceed this: fridge, other kitchen appliances, computers, tv, etc. but, if i decide that i want to spend all night every night for a month recording guitar parts through five processors, that's when it starts to add up - and where a solar source could be useful. like i say, i have these huge windows. but, i don't know where the technology is, and i don't know if i'll really need it.

see, the credit is cumulative. so, if it comes in at less than $68, i can transfer what's left to the next month. i don't actually expect this to be uncommon, especially if i get the solar lights up. that will mean i could see myself building credits - and that i can use those for my recording spurts.

right now, i really have no idea at all how this is going to play out.

but, i'm going to pick up where i left off, which is at compiling the blu-ray disc. i'm going to use it as an opportunity to double check all of the liner notes. that should be a day or two, at least...

Friday, December 22, 2017


so, the internet was hooked up late on the afternoon of the 21st. i
trust that the proper pro-rations will apply. i think this ought to be
straight forward. and, i'm happy to be back online and have things
back to normal.

but, i can't help but feel that a great deal of my time was wasted.

listen: i'm a highly patient individual and i'm highly adaptive to
situations. i could have and would have waited patiently until the
21st with nary a second thought, if that was the required action. and,
i would have been happy to see the tech when he finally arrived. but,
that's not what happened.

i called in in november to move the services and was told that they
could schedule me on the 1st of december, but it's often busy so if
they don't show up then i should wait on the 4th. so, i waited all day
on the 1st and all day on the 4th - a total of 18 hours. it later came
to my attention that cogeco had already informed your agent that they
would not be coming, but nobody relayed that information to me. so,
this 18 hours of waiting was preventable, and could have been
prevented by contacting me.

and, i would have been eminently reasonable had i been contacted and
asked to wait, as well.

a second install date was eventually arranged on the 12th. i expressed
repeatedly that i needed a technician to come in and crimp the ends
(the final process took mere minutes) and was told on the day before
the install that a technician would be there to do this. i waited
another 9 hours and did not see a tech, and was later told that none
was scheduled - that what was scheduled was a 'no truck' install, and
that a technician had indeed come, fiddled with the box and then left.
this was again preventable.

i was then told that the agent responsible for these lost 27 hours was
let go. i hope she finds a job that better suits her talents.

i could say something about my time being worth a dollar amount, and
attempt to charge you at a reasonable wage - at $10/hr (after taxes),
that would amount to $270, which would be nearly ten months of
service. but, i can see that this is too much.

i think that a more reasonable suggestion is to look at the three days
that were lost as events requiring some form of compensation, and i do
hope that i am effectively projecting that i aim to be reasonable. had
the cogeco agents not shown up due to any unforeseen event, from a
family emergency to an act of god, i could cite the fact of a
stochastic universe and wave it away as bad luck. but, your agents
were sitting on the correct information all three times.

there was no reason for me to wait on any of these days, as your
agents should have told me that nobody was scheduled.

my proposal is therefore this: that if each day spent waiting is a
separate event to require compensation, and i only purchase one thing
from you, then it follows that i ought to get three of the things that
i bought from you, which would work out to three months credit.

i live in a building with twenty other tenants, and they all saw me
sitting there for four days in december. i'm an honest person. and,
your self-interest is ultimately in damage control.

so, what happened to me?

well, i moved on the 1st, and my isp couldn't or wouldn't connect me until the 21st. i spent four full days waiting in my lobby before it got resolved. i spent a lot of days accomplishing little besides yelling at people on the phone. and, all i've really done besides that is clean in here and set the place up.

i can at least report that i've done a lot of thinking about what's going to happen, next.

i have a few remaining things to finish for period 2. it should be in a few days, i hope. then, i have to catch up on the alter-reality, and i'm aiming for a jan 13th date on that - we'll see. right now, i'm not expecting to upload any vlogs until july 1st, and i'm expecting the stagger to be a year, but i'm purposefully prioritizing this as least important, because it actually is. i need to get caught up in everything else, first, then fix that laptop, then get the vlogs edited...

so, i'm kind of just picking up where i left off.

the one thing i was following was this franken bit...

i tried to make the point clear enough, but let me repeat it: what happened to al franken has nothing to do with....what are they calling it? "sexual misconduct"? it's basically an accusation of deviance, or subversion , or something. "corrupting the youth". but, that's not what happened to al franken. what happened to al franken is that he ran his mouth off in the senate, and the bastards took him down for speaking truth to power. al franken was purged. and, the democrats didn't even give him the disrespect of putting him through an unfair mock trial.

so, yes: what the democrats did to al franken is truly a disgrace, but i'm not remotely surprised, because the democrats have always been the conservative party. i'm not sure if i explicitly predicted it, but i got pretty close; i predicted the resignation, at least.

what gets me about it is that the democrats then have the audacity to stand up and promote their behaviour as upholding a system of values. it is a system of values, i suppose, but it's a system of puritanical, right-wing and conservative values; these are not my values. i am a liberal. my values are not the fire and brimstone of retributive justice, but due process of law and the presumption of innocence. again: i'm not surprised that the democrats are not upholding my values, but i am a little surprised to see them upheld by right-wing demagogues that i don't usually have anything in common with.

but, i've been over this in this space. the democrats are and always have been the conservative party in the american political system. the republicans used to be the liberal party, but have become some kind of post-truth nihilist catastrophe. this has left a small number of liberals scattered across either party, and american liberals in a hopeless state of utter disenfranchisement. and, despite telling me what i want to hear, i know that the likes of tucker carlson are ultimately just disingenuously pushing buttons.

but, we can have this discussion of values, if you want, sure. i look at what the democrats did to al franken, and i see a conservative party obsessed with retribution that does not at all represent my values. then, i looked at the roy moore situation, and i see a liberal republican party that is willing to hold to the presumption of innocence in even the most extreme scenarios. i think roy moore probably deserves to be punished, and al fanken certainly doesn't - granted. but, it is the republicans that better reflect my liberal values, here - and the democrats that do not.

and, while it is true that the democrats were always the conservative party, they may want to think this through a little more carefully.

i expect the republicans to take al franken's seat and hold it for at least a generation.