Saturday, February 15, 2020

i've had maybe ten cigarettes in the past ten weeks.

and, i haven't bought a pack of smokes for casual, habitual use since the end of 2017.
fwiw, i have not bought a pack of smokes since i got back from toronto in mid december. i've bummed maybe 10 smokes in that period, while i'm out grocery shopping.

it's actually a subconscious factor in staying in tonight - i know that i'll buy a pack if i got out for the night and i don't really want to. i can probably avoid that if i just go to the show tomorrow afternoon, instead. i might bum a couple...

so, the fact that these cops are smoking upstairs is exceedingly frustrating to me. but i just have to focus on winning these court cases and getting out of here.
that means that i should get inri022 up by the end of the night.

i was badly distracted yesterday. we know that happens when i get cabin fever. and, it actually means i need to get out. tomorrow.
yeah, the wind chill tonight is still pretty bad, coming off the deep freeze yesterday morning. and, the change in the lineup at the psych show means the combination of the night falls apart.

i'm going to wait and go tomorrow afternoon, instead.
it seems like there might be a recurring spot at a place i've been to a few times right, right downtown, but it doesn't look like it's going to be very populated....

it's there if i get stuck. but it means i want to be sticking close to the core.

and, there's always the hotel, but they close so early :\.
so, i got an answer on where the backup spot is and it's nowhere near where i'm going, on foot, or near a bus. i'd need to get on a bicycle, and it's just too cold for that right now.

i'd better get to the bus station, then.

which means my choices are to either go to ufo or go straight home after the show.
obviously, i can't post locations or hints here. sorry.
no. no. that market recording seems pretty boring, on second thought. i want to get to the other show, if i can, if it's on the way somewhere else.

i don't know the address of the place i think i want to get to, though. judging by the promoters, it could be in a few different spots. detroit is like this, the spots shift every few months, you have to get out and ask, and it's been cold. i go through this every spring.
i think the dj named market and the psych act named mrkt are actually the same artist. 

i maybe wouldn't otherwise make this trip as it's maybe a little bit aimless, but it's a short detour from the orchestra, and i think i want to get out of the house for a few hours. i haven't gone anywhere since early december...

it's too bad the other show is in the other direction, and that the timeframes just don't add up...

i thought the other act on the bill was a dj named market. it turns out it's an experimental thing called mrkt.

there's nothing else happening on sunday.

and, it looks like i can find a different backup. maybe. 
i guess the nutsy option would be to start at the psych show, go to the supersecretsexywildgayparty and then hit the symphony in the afternoon.

....if i want to drop $100 in temperatures hovering around the freezing mark. it's too cold to bike in makeup. no...

it's looking like it's going to be a one and out trip, so do i want to go on saturday or sunday?
naw. i'm on foot tomorrow, and it's too far. i'd have to take the bus.

i kind of doubt i'm going to end up wanting to.

so, what are my choices?

- the symphony runs from 20:00-22:00. that's the main event. i'll want to get there a little early.
- i was going to go to the psych show after, which actually starts at 22:00. if i was out of there around 12:45, i could catch the bus back.
- now, i'm considering going to a different psych show, which i won't get to until 23:00 and is away from the tunnel rather than towards it. i could stay for an hour, max. and it might be done by the time i get there. no. that's pointless.
- so, i'd either need to go to the crappy punk show anyways (meh.) or just go home. or find something else. but it's looking slim.

so, do i want to go on sunday afternoon then? the weather may be a little better...