Sunday, November 17, 2013

i just got my quarterly stomach ache, but there's a big mass of unusually warm air moving in so i'm not sure if i can safely declare the beginning of winter or not.
this is a little clearer. he found a correlation and speciously attributed it to cfc reduction.

....which makes zero sense.

usually, the argument is presented as follows:

- increases in greenhouse gasses have contributed to warming
- increases in aerosols have counter-acted that warming
- the net effect is that the greenhouse gases have had a stronger effect.

you'll hear skeptics talk about how "they used to think it was cooling". well, yeah. they thought the effect of aerosols was stronger. then they learned otherwise.

now, aerosols are a warming factor? again, no. there's merely a correlation between aerosol reduction and decreased warming, and a lot of people jumping to ridiculous conclusions.

again: why isn't anybody studying the effects of warfare on the climate? wait: government funds almost all research. right. of course.
this is incoherent. aerosols are generally thought to produce a cooling effect. the article only makes sense if it's talking about soot, but it clearly isn't. a decrease in aerosols should lead to an increase in global temperatures.

i have a theory that the pause is related to the increase in warfare that's happened since 2001.

(very mild nuclear winter, basically)

they were using extremely powerful conventional bombs in iraq, and they've been blowing up mountains in afghanistan. it's hard to think this has not had an effect on the atmosphere.