Monday, November 18, 2013

so, i finish doing the dishes after making some scrambled eggs and i look down in the sink and see a little worm type of thing squiggling around.

i'm aware of the tremendous diversity that exists amongst worm species, which is why i'm curious to know what the fuck. the thing is that i've never seen this before, anywhere. harmless worm i should not be concerned about? parasite i should be extremely concerned about?

it was small, but far from tiny. about 2 or 3 cms long. definitely a worm - too thin to be a maggot. it did not change it's shape in response to stimuli (in this case a knife that was trying to kill it). nor was the knife successful in splicing it. it didn't seem to have a head, so i don't think it was a snake (and therefore a vertebrate that would be hard to chop in half). i didn't really want to let it stick around long enough to find out. i transported it to the toilet on the knife and flushed. it seemed to still be alive as it disappeared.

i spent a little time on google, and "sink worms" are actually a real thing, but they're generally described as black and extremely small. none of the pictures at all describe what i saw.

if i had to guess, it struck me as a parasite. but a parasite of what? the only thing in the sink was a green pepper that was washed and chopped, which is a process that makes it hard for parasites to come out undetected. i haven't brought any raw meat in here and probably never will.

has anybody else ever seen a feisty little worm in their sink?

i think i can safely deduce that whatever it was did not originate inside of me in any way. i didn't shit in the sink. honest.

nor did i cough in the sink. there's just no way..., i'm slowly coming to the conclusion that it's not likely to have been parasitic. parasites have lots of different life cycles, but none of them land one hanging out in my sink.

i'd still like to *know* though.

bottom line is i think i should bleach my sink. can't see where else it may have come from. the green pepper thing is just...

i mean, you slice a pepper in half. you run it under the water and play with it in your hands. you take the seeds out. i surely would have seen something.

i suppose it's not impossible that i hallucinated it. i've been thinking about parasites recently. see post about smoking.

i'm trying to convince myself that it was the larval stage of a bug i see around, but i can't find anything that fits.

and i haven't seen any bugs around either, lately, for that matter. i think i kicked the roaches out by patching a few holes and leaving the lights on, and that chased the centipedes away. well, after they ate all the spiders, i guess.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

i just got my quarterly stomach ache, but there's a big mass of unusually warm air moving in so i'm not sure if i can safely declare the beginning of winter or not.
this is a little clearer. he found a correlation and speciously attributed it to cfc reduction.

....which makes zero sense.

usually, the argument is presented as follows:

- increases in greenhouse gasses have contributed to warming
- increases in aerosols have counter-acted that warming
- the net effect is that the greenhouse gases have had a stronger effect.

you'll hear skeptics talk about how "they used to think it was cooling". well, yeah. they thought the effect of aerosols was stronger. then they learned otherwise.

now, aerosols are a warming factor? again, no. there's merely a correlation between aerosol reduction and decreased warming, and a lot of people jumping to ridiculous conclusions.

again: why isn't anybody studying the effects of warfare on the climate? wait: government funds almost all research. right. of course.
this is incoherent. aerosols are generally thought to produce a cooling effect. the article only makes sense if it's talking about soot, but it clearly isn't. a decrease in aerosols should lead to an increase in global temperatures.

i have a theory that the pause is related to the increase in warfare that's happened since 2001.

(very mild nuclear winter, basically)

they were using extremely powerful conventional bombs in iraq, and they've been blowing up mountains in afghanistan. it's hard to think this has not had an effect on the atmosphere.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

they're doing their best to come up with rational explanations, but i think they need to take a step back and determine if some of these "comet tails" might be something else entirely.

they may have caught something intelligent.

"what's happened is that a weather balloon has gotten lost in the asteroid belt, and caused an exotic refraction event where one tail appears as six"

no, honestly. i think the probability of historical extra-terrestrial contact is many times higher than the probability of god. so, before you write the idea off as nuts, carefully ask yourself which is more likely.

in fact, i'm not the first person to point out that the bible actually makes perfect sense if you interpret the judaic religions as ufo cults. all those seemingly whacked stories about beings in the clouds are brought out of the level of fantasy into the level of allegory.

that's nothing approaching empirical evidence, mind you. but it's an interesting way to interpret religion. and i have to admit believing that there's something to the idea.

the biggest problem from a physics perspective, i think, is simply that it's hard for humans to understand space travel relative to our relatively short lifespans. yet, if we could live for five or six thousand years, that limitation would dissolve. a distance of 100 light years would be nothing.

i don't see any good reason to think that a hypothetical alien species couldn't live that long.

it does put a limit on ourselves, though. things like tachyon space ships are probably impossible. there's probably not warps in space time to take advantage of. if there are creatures floating around through space, it's more likely that they're very long lived than that they've found some ingenious way to "break physics". and that means we're probably more or less out of luck.

well, i guess we could freeze ourselves or something, but that's still a gigantic limitation.

imagine, though. like, 10,000 years is more than the length of human civilization up to now. the entire rise and fall of human civilization could be something that an intelligent extra-terrestrial creature could experience in one life time.

"wow. the last time i was here, you creatures were obsessed with building pyramids. what happened to the nose on that one?"

trees can live for thousands of years. whales and turtles live for hundreds. it's not out of the realm of plausibility.

i mean, how long did dinosaurs live for?

(answer: can't really tell from bones.)

no david icke, please.

jellyfish are thought to be potentially immortal.

but, yeah. wouldn't the asteroid belt be a natural place to find mining craft?

As with the lobster, they grow until eaten. As for the Bible it is highly possible to be speaking of aliens although no evidence, it is still a believe in my books. As far as space travel, age is slowed and with understanding of physics and anti gravity etc there life span could be highly lengthened to travel the distances required. Not to mention the idea of worm holes or Muti~ dimension travel. I could go on but hate typing so..

jessica amber murray 
lobsters will keep growing until they die, but they aren't actually immortal. they will die of old age. with jellyfish, they could in theory just never die - although they do, of course, die due to various other reasons.

what i'm talking about specifically are a number of stories in the bible where alien contact could be presented as a rational/scientific explanation to something that otherwise seems like utter fiction, like the story about a chariot of fire coming down from the sky to take elijah to heaven, for example. there's a ton of stories like that in the bible, and as many (if not more) in east indian, native american, egyptian and other religious sources that seem to quite literally be describing extra-terrestrial contact. the standard rationalist/skeptic approach to these stories is currently to just write them off as nonsense. i'm not entirely comfortable with that level of dismissal. the stories must mean something. salvaging them as weakly remembered contact encounters is one way to give them a rational meaning.

if you take the idea as a possibility, it's easy to construct a narrative of these primitive ape-like creatures (us) running around through the forest collecting berries and coming into contact with these incredible spaceships. got the mental image? good. the next step is interaction with these far more advanced beings, and the inevitability of humans interpreting them as gods. there's even a historical comparison: a number of native american tribes (not all) interpreted the spanish as gods because they had far more advanced weapons and far more advanced ships. it's hard to think how hunter-gathering humans would interpret galaxy-jumping aliens, except as gods. and, so, religion is born from a naturalistic and rather biological explanation.

what it is is a hypothesis, and all hypotheses require some sort of faith in their incubation stages. by definition, really. science doesn't reject faith, so much as it demands that faith be erected upon evidence and subject to modification as the evidence changes. not "i believe, because.", but "i believe because...".

i think what you're trying to say about time-dilation is that close to light speed travel would necessarily require that a much longer period of time transpires on their home planet, but, as mentioned, that's an issue that would decrease in meaningfulness if the hypothetical aliens have very long lifespans. from the perspective of somebody in the spaceship, time outside their frame of reference would actually be dramatically sped up. the point i was trying to make is that if there are aliens zooming around then they would have to be creatures that live very long lives.

worm holes and hyper-dimensional travel likely exist only in the world of science fiction. alas...

Agreed, Indian culture is by far the most understanding when talking about alien culture even Indian (Hindu) kids understand the possibility to the point where it's a normal event. I wish I had more patient to type all I want to say but... Again the Bible I my mind is clearly a lack of understanding of what they are witnessing and trying to describe. The reason the Bible stands out is before writings everything was by word of mouth, when writing came about the most important of things and issues where scripted. If these things were true or just for sake of the church is another story all together. As far as hyper~dimensional travel not existing may be cause it can't or we don't understand it/how. Example.. Earth is flat till we found out it wasn't. Bad example maybe?. Going back to how long aliens life spans are to achieve long distances, I would like to think that they require the same fundamental things as us(food source and water). The fact that the greys etc.. Have same features( eyes,mouth,nose) leads me to conclude that there organs are similar as we'll(maybe no appendix etc). Which makes them of the same evolution timetable. If from same timetable but clearly more advanced then that species is in the same galaxy or closer. And clearly more older of a species(duh)lol. I wonder why you never see baby aliens is it because by the time they travel to there destination they have aged? Just kidding lol! What I'm saying is that species is clearly and older species but the life span can't be longer than 150 because of the same make of looks(nose,mouth,eyes) which means that the organs can only function so long or their tech. has allowed for a longer life span. None of what I wrote is backed by fact so take it with grain of salt. Just alot of wasted time on documentaries etc.

jessica amber murray
ah, but tortoises have similar features and yet are thought to have maximum lifespans approaching 300 years. whales can live at least more than 200 years - and they're even mammals! conversely, frogs and pigs and dogs and cats have similar features and much lower lifespans. i'm not convinced that what would be convergent evolution to similar phenotypic expression has much to say regarding average lifespan.

the popular representation of aliens is based on a combination of leprechaun folklore and a description by science fiction writer hg wells. it's not really something i'm taking overly seriously. i'm not even convinced that they're carbon based, really.

i will say, though, that aliens are often presented as short and wrinkled, which does suggest an advanced age. take et, for example.

in order for hyper-dimensional travel to exist, we first must demonstrate that we exist in a universe with more than 3 spatial dimensions. a wormhole is essentially travel through the 4th dimension. it's an exotic idea that exists in some mathematical models, but is not necessitated by them; we can mathematically show that wormholes *might* be possible, but we have no reason (at this point) to think that they *ought* to exist. black holes definitely exist, but we don't know what happens when we go through them (and think it's unlikely that anybody gets spat out alive on the other side). the flat earth metaphor is consequently indeed a sort of bad one. the better extrapolation of the spherical earth to the universe lies in analyzing it's shape. the universe might be shaped sort of like a donut. it might be possible to set off in one direction and end up back at the earth again. we don't really know yet, though. the quality being discussed there is curvature: curvature of the earth, of the universe. with dimensions, the more standard analogy to use is an ant. pretend ants can't climb up walls, that they can only move on the ground. they'd only understand two-dimensions. no understanding of the up/down axis. as far as they know, it doesn't exist. yet, it does. is there a fourth spacial dimension that we likewise have no understanding of? if there is, are we any more able to understand it than an ant is able to understand up/down? the standard, mainstream position in physics right now is that there is no evidence of extra spacial dimensions, and that building evidence is probably impossible. also, the way that extra dimensions are used in certain extensions to quantum mechanics (such as string theory, also a mathematical contrivance with zero experimental reasoning) is not at all the same thing, conceptually. bluntly: hyper-dimensional travel is unlikely because extra spacial dimensions are unlikely.

surreal fact: a lot of the old testament is newer than the new testament. and the oral sources were not exclusively from the middle east. the iranian religion of zoroastrianism seems to have been a dominant influence. regardless, those ideas have their own histories, and i do think there's something to this idea.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

i was actually wondering, on a whim, if being a habitual smoker could lower the risk of tapeworm and other parasitic infection. still wondering; it doesn't appear as though anybody's studied this. know a kid studying biology? there's an iconoclastic research topic for them...

this is neat though, and contributes to the "you didn't think all these life forms around us were going to just give up and quit evolving, did you?" anti-anthropocentric view i periodically post on.

to clarify: i was wondering if it might be a natural explanation for tobacco use. well, lots of animals do lots of things to get rid of parasites. maybe humans smoked tobacco for that reason. entirely rational.

yeah, i think i might be on to something. not nicotine, but ayahuasca:

"Its purgative properties are important (known as la purga or "the purge"). The intense vomiting and occasional diarrhea it induces can clear the body of worms and other tropical parasites,[28] and harmala alkaloids themselves have been shown to be anthelmintic[29] Thus, this action is twofold; a direct action on the parasites by these harmala alkaloids (particularly harmine in ayahuasca) works to kill the parasites, and parasites are expelled through the increased intestinal motility that is caused by these alkaloids."

Friday, November 8, 2013

daily smoothie

Re: Fw: Neue Anfrage aus dem Sennheiser Kontaktcenter vom 2013-11-03 [##SVS-Web-SK]

To: "Jessica Murray" <>

Hi Jessica,

The required cable is available in our Montreal warehouse.

Part number: 069427
Cable steel 3m jack3.5/jack6.3

Cost: $ 36.19
Shipping: $ 9.00 plus applicable taxes.
Grand total: $ 51.06

Please send a cheque or a money order to:

Sennheiser (Canada) Inc.
221 ave. Labrosse
Pointe-Claire, QC
H9R 1A3

Please make the cheque or money order payable to:

Sennheiser (Canada) Inc.
Reference: Parts department.

Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fw: Neue Anfrage aus dem Sennheiser Kontaktcenter vom 2013-11-03 [##SVS-Web-SK]

To: s
Cc: "Jessica Murray" <>

S, would you be so kind as to render an assist here?

Re: Fw: Neue Anfrage aus dem Sennheiser Kontaktcenter vom 2013-11-03 [##SVS-Web-SK]

From: "Jessica Murray" <>

i'm really relieved by how easy it's going to be to fix these.

i have a credit at a music store in ottawa (steve's) that i'm going to try and cash in, but i'm not sure if it's enough to cover it. if that doesn't work, i'll want to order the part (the 069427) directly from you via check or money order. could you put me in contact with s for that? if she can send me the price, i guess i'll attach the check to the service form and send that in....?

well, maybe they were on lunch, actually.

i have my own timezone. try again when i finish my own...

for those of you not in ottawa, steve's is pretty much the stereotypical run-by-snobs music store. it's kind of a joke, locally.
getting steve's to pick up the phone has never been easy.

sent out several emails instead. fingers crossed.

if not, i'll just send sennheiser a check. i'm just happy it's easy to fix....
naw, not good. i don't think my options for immediate pickup are that good here in windsor.

i have an ancient credit at steve's, though, that i want to use up. perfect? i'm going to call them and see if they carry it...

Re: Fw: Neue Anfrage aus dem Sennheiser Kontaktcenter vom 2013-11-03 [##SVS-Web-SK]

To: Jessica Murray <>

I'm sorry!

I missed this entire thread.

Let's see what you come up with, in terms of experimentation. We take cheques, so if you decide a parts order is for you, s. on the Parts Desk can give you bottom line. Same deal for repairs, it just lengthens the process somewhat.

We're not huge, so we've never set up a warranty depot chain. In fact, the only one we ever did set up, dropped us because he didn't get enough business! Considering that we have a fairly large product catalogue, I guess that's a good thing!
The HD 440 II was designed to be user serviceable. This is no longer true with our products, save for the really high end stuff. This is why I mentioned rehabilitation of the old, rather than buying new.

The cable will come out without destroying anything. Wiggle the boot while firmly pulling downward on it. It's been in there a long time, it'll be stubborn. Observe polarity! Letter faces out.

The cable is steel on your model. Big on strength, but tough to solder. If it's not completely trashed, you can put a new plug on. Your call on whether it's worth it.

This model was one of the first to come from the Tullamore factory. They make almost all of Sennheiser's European product nowadays. A few(Uber-expensive) models come from Germany, while the buds and streetwear are out of China.

If your problem is intermittent operation, you can reverse the cable and see if the problem switches sides. If it doesn't, the capsule is trashed, and there's nothing to be done about it. Those parts are long out of production. (One of our techs still uses a pair of these, just to underscore how durable they are)

069427 is the number of the cable, just FYI

if you're not following that, it's excellent news - i just need to replace the fully modular cord.

i remember seeing an audiophile shop down on.....ottawa street. be back in a few minutes, hopefully with good news.

Re: Fw: Neue Anfrage aus dem Sennheiser Kontaktcenter vom 2013-11-03 [##SVS-Web-SK]

To: "Jessica Murray" <>

The HD 440 II was designed to be user serviceable. This is no longer true with our products, save for the really high end stuff. This is why I mentioned rehabilitation of the old, rather than buying new.

The cable will come out without destroying anything. Wiggle the boot while firmly pulling downward on it. It's been in there a long time, it'll be stubborn. Observe polarity! Letter faces out.

The cable is steel on your model. Big on strength, but tough to solder. If it's not completely trashed, you can put a new plug on. Your call on whether it's worth it.

This model was one of the first to come from the Tullamore factory. They make almost all of Sennheiser's European product nowadays. A few(Uber-expensive) models come from Germany, while the buds and streetwear are out of China.

If your problem is intermittent operation, you can reverse the cable and see if the problem switches sides. If it doesn't, the capsule is trashed, and there's nothing to be done about it. Those parts are long out of production. (One of our techs still uses a pair of these, just to underscore how durable they are)

069427 is the number of the cable, just FYI.
but it doesn't *seem* like i can snap them in and out. awaiting email response...

Re: Fw: Neue Anfrage aus dem Sennheiser Kontaktcenter vom 2013-11-03 [##SVS-Web-SK]

From: "Jessica Murray" <>

sorry, one more question.

i'm looking at replacement parts, and it almost looks like the cord clicks into place. well, here's a picture of a replacement part:

you can see what i mean. i'm getting the feeling that i can maybe pull the cord out and then snap a new one in. but i obviously don't want to determine if that's the case or not through experiment.

these are the 440-IIs. there's a big MADE IN IRELAND on the side if that makes a difference. could you determine for me (i understand you may have to forward me to a different department) if the cable is meant to snap in and out that way or if the plastic needs to be broken to recable?

i know it seems like it should be designed to disassemble, almost everything is nowadays, but this model is from the 80s...

actually this is exactly what i need. this gives off the impression that it's entirely modular and i'm literally freaking out over absolutely nothing at all - pull these out, snap a new set in.

see, it would be stupid to solder a new jack in, then realize i need to replace the cable. if i'm cutting this up, i want to do it once - put the cable in, then solder the new jack to the new cable.
although this seems to be the piece i need and it looks like it might just click in.

Re: Fw: Neue Anfrage aus dem Sennheiser Kontaktcenter vom 2013-11-03 [##SVS-Web-SK]

From: "Jessica Murray" <>

on second thought, i've taken a little closer look at the phones and it looks like the cord is connected to the phones as a single piece. of course, it must be soldered into place underneath the plastic, but it doesn't appear like there's a way to replace the cord without breaking the plastic apart and regluing it. there's no screws or anything. i kind of don't want to do that as a first attempt.

i think i can probably get the phones back in working condition by just replacing the plug, which is a quick soldering job that i can do myself.

if that doesn't work, i'll want to send them in to have the plastic taken apart and put back together - i'll recontact sennheiser if that turns out to be necessary.

thanks for your response,
yeah, i'm schizing out. this is nothing. calm down, jess....

probably just needs a new plug.
yeah, on second thought i should do this one thing at a time. just try and replace the jack, first. that's just electrical, i think, it shouldn't be a big deal getting something technically identical.
problem: it seems to be one piece. ugh.


how often do you see that nowadays?
actually, i think it's obvious that i should get something similar.

i've got a price estimate coming in from sennheiser but i expect it to be ridiculous.

so, i think what i should do is take the phones down to a store and see if i can find a similar cord. then see if i can find a soldering iron....

i should really probably have a soldering iron.

Re: Fw: Neue Anfrage aus dem Sennheiser Kontaktcenter vom 2013-11-03 [##SVS-Web-SK]

From: "Jessica Murray" <>

yeah, they seem to have just shorted permanently, and i'd kind of feel better about letting sennheiser fix them then taking them to a random shop.

i found this order form:

....but i don't have a credit card and, despite my previous rhetoric, i do need to watch the price very carefully. they're obviously well past whatever warranty my dad bought in the early 90s. do you have any licensed repair centres in windsor, ontario i could just take them in to and pay out cash for? if not, i'm wondering if you could give me a quick price quote and let me send you a check.

the symptom is that one of the ears is deaf. there's two possible causes, and i'm not sure which one is dominant. one of the ears has been a little loose, solved by jiggling it a bit. also, the base seems to have a short in it, solved by rotating it. it's the second of these that i've been doing more often. either way, there's two shorts in the wire.

if i'm going to do this, i'd prefer to just replace the entire copper wire altogether, from the phones right down to the plug. i don't want to do it twice, kind of thing. how much do you think that would cost?
ok. they're not as bad as i thought - coming from a quality source, and with the noise reduction turned off. they're not replacements for the 440-II's, but given that i'm just running everything through the same filters *anyways* (same source...i'm doing it track-by-track but i haven't deviated from the base algorithm of custom izotope patch + nr), i think i can use them while i'm waiting for them to get fixed. so i shouldn't get slowed down at least.

i'll also say that they died on me once before and came back. i wonder if it's temperature related, even. i'm going to let them sit for a few days and see if they come back.

....and, now to wade through all kinds of audiophile nonsense trying to get a straight answer about how important the wiring is in the sound...
i got a response back from sennheiser. they are indeed long out of production, and the response i got basically told me that if i want a similar sound, i'm fucked - they don't make anything remotely like this model anymore, so i'm better off trying to get them fixed than replacing them.

he also explained that if i end up getting new ones, i want to focus on open back models. after doing a little googling, i think he's right - and i think that the fact that most of the headphones i've tried have been closed back might be the biggest sound degradation issue i've been unable to get over. that muffed sound seems to be defined by this difference. but that's going to cost me probably close to $300.

it's imperative, though. i can't do anything without headphones.

the pair i got back in january are just not useful for recording. even at the time, i remember wishing that i would have got a gift certificate or something. they turned out to be ok for the laptop. but they run on a battery that turns on a "noise reduction". batteries in headphones isn't a good idea at all. but, that's secondary to all the processing at the headphone stage. i need headphones with zero processing - clean reproduction. those ones are made for people that want to listen to mp3s on their cell phone, not people that are recording or mastering things.

...and when you turn off the battery they're just glorified ear buds. i'm going to try them though....

seem to be gone, and it's an emergency. no headphones = no recording. or, for right now, no remastering. which basically means no reason to continue to exist.

i'm going to try and get them fixed, but if i can't then i may have to sell some gear to get new ones. having one pair of good headphones is more important than having two guitars.

hopefully, i can get them fixed, though. that means plans for a telephone and border clearance are going to have to be put on hold for another month, maybe two.

and that i'm going to have nothing to do but read for the next little bit. ugh.

i don't feel i'm at fault. i left them in a safe space, woke up, and caput.

there's two problems. one of the ear plugs is a little weak, but it hasn't been a problem lately. the larger problem has been at the base, which has been solved by spinning the jack around. it seems like it may be a contact problem inside the base, but i have to admit that i'm not intuitively grasping what may be wrong with it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

yeah, they're like $10. k. bit of a project, but clear resolution.

if i ever decide to get a smartphone (i'll probably get an android eventually), i should be able to hook it into this for cheap talk and text, then rely on free hotspots for data. but i currently have no desire for this.
wait. usb. obviously.
hrmmn. second thought, those voip phones are a lot. laptop it will be.

laptop is good for skype and shit, too.

so, again, can i convert a modem into a wall plug that connects through voip? seems exotic, but not impossible.

i know, headset, but there's something comforting about having something that actually rings.
yeah. i probably wouldn't need the laptop at all, actually, if i just get a voip phone.

ok. problem solved. for now, anyways.
no google voice.

no skype-in.

why, thank you, bell-rogers corporatocracy!

currently? a little irritated.

there are potential workarounds, but they're annoying.

for now, this looks like a better idea than getting a sim card at the 7/11. 0.25 v 0.01 is a big difference, and the monthly cost for the number is less than 7/11 will charge for 9-11 access.

on average, that's going to cost me about $1.05/month. i put $20 down in credits, it'll last me well over a year.

google voice would be ideal, though - wouldn't even cost that - because i really just need a voicemail for people to leave messages (chances of answering the phone are zero). the site up there has the voicemail-to-email feature that converts voice messages to text messages, which i really really like....

i don't want that software on any pc i'd use for anything else, though. luckily, i have an old laptop i can convert into a dedicated, glorified phone.

last thing to check is if i can integrate this "normally" into an ip phone through software on the laptop.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fw: Neue Anfrage aus dem Sennheiser Kontaktcenter vom 2013-11-03 [##SVS-Web-SK]

To: <>

Thanks for writing.

Twenty years would be just about right.

There have been a number of successive generations to the 440 over the years, and if you're looking for an exact replacement, you'll be looking for a long time!

First: In that style range, there are no more supra-aural models. Doughnuts rule. The only supra-aural types are the more miniature 2** series. Pretty good headphones in their own right, but perhaps a bit petite for your requirements.

My recommendation, based on style, type and sound quality, not necessarily price or specs, would be HD 428 or HD 448. These are closed back models, as opposed to yours, but they acquit themselves well in overall sound. Wearing comfort and weight are about par.

If you need open style, you really have no choice but to move up to the 500 series. The 518 would make the most sense here. Quite a bit larger in style, these are considered *High End*.

All of this having been said,

Why not fix yours? You can get pads, you can get cables, you can't get capsules, but if they're still working, why ditch them? You know better than I do what shape they're in, but I'll put that out there.

(Interesting email address. Good thing I'm not a zoologist. My sister is, though.)

Kidding aside, need more info? Please let me know.

Monday, November 4, 2013

the nice pretty pink tint becomes a boring off-white blur, but if the colour is secondary to you, and you've ever wondered, then the answer is yes: as they are of similar acidity and texture, kiwis can be used to replace strawberries in smoothies.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

i wish you could hear how good these phones sound, though....

....i just compared them to a newer model of sennheisers i got last year and they're just not on the same level...

when i put the 440-IIs back on, all i could think was "why did i ever take them off?".

it was like taking a pair of ear plugs out.

like switching from grey-scale to colour.

like walking out of the city and taking a breathe of fresh air...

like, the way they're able to separate the fuzz guitar in the middle section of mountains made of steam so that it's directly harmonic to the guitar part's almost impossible, really....there's *no* blur....

and, then when the bow comes in, i can clearly hear the buzz on the fucking string. spectacular!

i'm wondering if the model name is a coincidence or a hint.

something about these sennheisers, though, is that they don't have those big muffy ear pieces - and that's an asset, as i find they muffle. all the new phones come with all this noise cancelling stuff that fucks with the signal. no. i want clear, crisp, perfect reproduction...

about five or six years ago, i picked up a pair with some funny digital processing in them that reduces more or less to a boost on the high and low; it was meant to compensate for mp3 compression, and it did give the sound a nice boost through an mp3 player. but, they were impossible for mastering. that's what i'm trying to avoid.

but the market has changed. back in the 80s and 90s, people bought high-end headphones to listen to record player and cd player signals through high end amps. so the focus was on reproducing the signal exactly. that's sort of rare nowadays; the market now is for mp3 players, laptops, djs...

...and because the sources suck, the phones companies have come up with all these digital tricks to try and make their product sound better. basic reproduction is a niche market, now.

sent to sennheiser support (via online form)

sent to sennheiser support:


i've had a pair of hd 440-II's for about twenty years now. that's two thirds of my life. these 440-II's have followed me everywhere - from bus rides to high school in the 90s with a cassette player right into recording studios for mastering processes. every piece of music i've ever connected to or created has been heard through these phones.

after 20 years, they're getting a little shorted, and i feel it's time to replace them.

i would like to replace them with another set of 440-IIs. otherwise, the world would just sound entirely different. better specs, worse specs - it wouldn't matter. my recordings would all sound wrong; my favourite records would become alien. my universe would just implode in on itself...

yet, they appear to be discontinued. i am very distraught by this thought.

and, so, i have two questions:

1) do you have any hd 440-iis sitting around somewhere?
2) if not, what is the closest model?

if you end up answering (2), i would like to request that you take the time to run the question by some engineers that can answer it properly, rather than try and sell me on something. i'm not looking for the phones with the best specs, or the cheapest phones or any other such thing - i am looking for phones that can replace the 440-ii's with the least amount of variance.

thank you,
why does this model of headphones have to be discontinued? FUCK.

they're still kicking, somehow. but, they're dying a slow death and i need to replace them. i really, really, really want to replace them with the same model. even if i get something with drastically better specs, it's going to sound different, and it's going to throw me for a loop. these are literally the only headphones i've ever had to record with.

any headphone geeks out there reading this? suggestions for something that sounds similar? anybody happen to even have a pair?

sennheiser hd-440 IIs.

guess i'll look on ebay. but if you have a pair or know somebody that does....