Tuesday, August 20, 2013

new dresser

Jessica Amber Murray
she's not going to be in the department after all, she's moving to england with a super bourgy boyfriend. those pictures don't do her justice; that was one very attractive lady. i've just been setting things up, it's been one project after another, and i still have a lot of things to do. i guess i haven't been smoking much. or drinking at all.

Sweet. Im excited for that too. Quitting smoking and drinking.

Jessica Amber Murray
that being said, i just realized i have two storage spaces and i'm going to put some chairs and a table in one of them and turn it into a smoking room. i can run an extra speaker set from the receiver out, and throw a bottle of febreeze in there - as long as the window stays open, i think it should be ok as a porch alternative. i think it used to be an entrance down into the place. it's sort of weird and hard to explain.

Haha cool.

Cant wait to see it.
Jessica Amber Murray
i'm about to buy a dresser from a prof in the music department. i'll make to sure to tell exaggerated stories about you :P http://msjeffreys.weebly.com/

No!!! Tell her only nice things

Are you enjoying windsor so far? What have you been up to?

Re: Reply to your "Dresser" Ad on Kijiji

From: "UWindsor"
To: "Jessica Murray" <death.to.koalas@gmail.com>

Sure! Sounds great!

The address is ***************.

Ms Jeffreys, B.A., B.Ed.
Music Instructor

Re: Reply to your "Dresser" Ad on Kijiji

From: Jessica Murray <death.to.koalas@gmail.com>
To: UWindsor

oh, ok. lol. the map sent me way out to the east end of town, somewhere about 5 blocks east of the bus.

i'm actually within walking distance, although i'll probably have to take two or three trips on account of the drawers. could i come by a little after 7:00 to see it with the near certainty of taking it?


Re: Reply to your "Dresser" Ad on Kijiji

From: "UWindsor"
To: "Jessica Murray" <death.to.koalas@gmail.com>

I'm available after 7 today. Also, I am right by a bus stop. I am located on Argyle and Wyandotte.

Ms. Jeffries

Re: Reply to your "Dresser" Ad on Kijiji

From: Jessica Murray <death.to.koalas@gmail.com>
To: "Ms. Jeffreys' Music"


next question: it seems like you're a bit of a ways from the nearest bus stop. would it be possible to either get the dresser to the nearest bus stop or (better yet) all the way to where i am, which is just east of downtown?


Re: Reply to your "Dresser" Ad on Kijiji

From: "Ms. Jeffreys' Music"
To: <death.to.koalas@gmail.com>

Hi Jessica!

It is just under 49" across.

You have replied to "Dresser" Ad on Kijiji

From: Kijiji Canada <donotreply@kijiji.ca>
To: death.to.koalas@gmail.com

Hello! You have sent the following email to "Dresser" Ad on Kijiji:


i'm just wondering if you could measure how wide the dresser is? it looks about right, but i need it to be less than 50 inches across.
dresser shopping is proving irritating. on the one hand, i don't want to put the money down at walmart. on the other hand, i don't want to pay $200 for $20 worth of wood at a pawn shop. i'd be ok with paying $50 for $20 worth of wood, at the very most, and am hoping kijiji bails me out, eventually.

it's sort of ironic. i bet there are antique dealers shaking their head at these kijiji ads, saying "don't they know that's worth ten times as much?". if i was the dealer, i'd be out there buying the stuff up and marking it up on the floor, but then i'd be a special kind of asshole, wouldn't i? meanwhile, i'm walking through the antique shops shaking my head, saying "that ought to be worth a tenth of the price it's listed  for, i bet i could get it cheaper on kijiji.".

so, what is the correct value of the thing?

if we're talking labour theory of value here, i can understand the cost as applied to a new dresser, but from my perception an old dresser is really legitimately just a chunk of worthless wood and these antique dealers are really running an unethical business...