Saturday, July 20, 2013

a reconsideration

Jessica Amber Murray
sorry. long. ok, i went for a smoke and ordered things and this extra bit of information makes me less upset. although more confused. a few days ago you were all like "fuck illuminous, we're hitching.". so i planned around that. now apparently your mom planned your trip for you, and it means busing with illuminous. these are details that are not even my business, really. i'll state the obvious: it's your choice. if you want to bus with illuminous, bus with illuminous. if you want to hitch with me, hitch with me. i guess i'll clarify that by acknowledging that illuminous is interested in you in a way that i'm not. and i guess a lot of your decision is going to rest on how you feel about that. ...but now that i know you're going with illuminous, i feel less tossed aside. hitching in threes isn't possible. i kind of assumed you told him you were going without him, because that's the impression i got from previous conversations. maybe i should apologize for jumping to that conclusion. regardless, i don't think i want to live with illuminous at all. "as long as you're quiet so i can get up to go to work" is like NO. he's always talking about how he can't find good roommates. i don't want to deal with that. so, it's sort of like if you're going with illuminous then i'm getting my own place. and i'm going for my own reasons. yes, you sparked something in my mind, but it's all on my own goals and interests here: a cheap place to record, an opportunity to organize the unemployed, a way to exist around the labour-capital relationship. things are better with a friend or two than alone, but it's sort of secondary.

Yes. I agree with all these things. I wasn't really sure what to do before. I hadn't told illuminous that I was bussing until last night. and he asked me if he could come. I was kind of sick of waiting around to figure things out. And I guess I didn't want illuminous to feel excluded. I thought you didn't mind/ wanted to go on your own. I sort of felt like an un-experienced hitch - hiker tag along. And I also don't want to live with illuminous for that reason, along with others. And he didn't have priority over you, because he is apparently interested in me.

And he had to ASK me if he could come with me to Windsor, and I was like "WTF illuminous DO WHAT U WANT. AHH"

because I'm independent too. I dunno, I'm generally horrible at knowing what to do. I always seem to do the wrong thing, or don't think things through entirely. :(

Jessica Amber Murray
*shrug*. at this point, i don't feel thrown under the bus anymore, so don't let my feelings sway how you decide to get there. i'm sorry for overreacting.


So many things to figure out!

Jessica Amber Murray
well, it seems like you had a reasonable plan before i shat all over it.

uhm wut? you didn't shit all over it. the plan was to go on Monday to scout out apartments. The how, or when or whateva was not quite determined. I need to get my mom to stop meddling. She keeps over-compensating for her lack of involvement in earlier years, but now its a bit controlling. Like I'm too much of an idiot to make my own plans.

I was like "mom didn't I ever tell you about how I can't die? No matter what you do or don't do, I'll be fine. Don't worryaboutit"

Also I appreciate how you take initiative with shit.

Jessica Amber Murray
are you trying to tell me you're a vampire?

That sounds kind of

No, I'm not a vampire.

Jessica Amber Murray
ok, cause vampires are already dead.

I'm just immortal.

Plain old immortal

Jessica Amber Murray
i used to think that, too.

i feel i'm meddling, too. just let me know what you're doing. i'll wait until monday.

and then what happened?!?!?!?!?!

You're the vampire!



Jessica Amber Murray
i had a few experiences that allowed me to recognize my mortality.

What? Like death?

Jessica Amber Murray
near death. which could be interpreted either way. like, didn't die, right. this gets trippy, and is better discussed in person, over drinks.

oh jeez.

oh btw

Jessica Amber Murray
i've been through intense schizophrenic episodes where i've been convinced i was the next coming of jesus, where it seems real beyond more than a thought. i've had a jesus complex since i was a kid. my first handful of demoes were released under the name 'inri'. so, yeah. just thought you should know that. might come back, especially if i'm organizing the poor in windsor.

btw what?

You need to tell me more.

Because I think I had the same thing. Was convinced I was possessed by the devil

Jessica Amber Murray
more about?

but later.

anyways Mr. Playah is totes all over my fine pussay

He waited the appropriate 3 days. and then sent me a FB message almost on cue.


Ok this conversation is disgusting. I apologize. This is the third apology.

Jessica Amber Murray
i think i'm just schizophrenic.

You could be bi-polar. that is extremely common with bi-polar patients

the jesus complex stuff and the possessed by the devil stuff.

Jessica Amber Murray
naw, don't feel bad, i feel perfectly comfortable talking about this if you do.

whichever it is, it's not dangerous, but it can definitely be offsetting for people. i guess if you have something similar, it won't be so strange for you.

As long as you can handle night terrors. if you ever see me sleep

which you probably will next week.

Jessica Amber Murray
we'll find out.

Thursday I woke up

barfed a bit. Hung out on my bed. and my living room was littered with 9 condoms.

bahhhhh ok sorry again. LOL it was too funny. 

Jessica Amber Murray
yeah, i think i'm glad i got out before that happened. i don't remember the night clearly, but i do remember that when i came to (i was half passed out on your couch) playa was a little sorry to see me leave. and i would not have responded well to an orgy erupting... btw, if we do end up living together, orgies are not something that are going to bug me so long as i can quietly disappear and not be harangued about it.

playa was sorry to see you leave ?

Because he didn't want to be alone with lenin and I

He was so incredibly weird to lenin

He thought lenin had some sort of weird ownership over me.

and then we mused about a threesome, but that as usual failed.

Jessica Amber Murray
well, i distinctly remember an "aww...don't leave". i don't know how long we were talking for out there when you were in the other room with lenin.


That was pretty awful. But I always need lenin times.

we talked about a threesome for a long while.

Had them almost convinced.

playa was more down than lenin. But only because lenin was tired

lenin is always tired at 4 in the morning. Asshole.

Jessica Amber Murray
do you think you could have got 'em on to each other?


actually no.

I think lenin is like 99.9999 % straight

Jessica Amber Murray
yeah, lenin strikes me as remarkably straight, too. you're not going to sleep are, you. i'm going to hop in the shower...

Nope I am like super giggly and wide awake.

Jessica Amber Murray
you know, i was thinking of maybe going to the lookout tonight and was going to ask to borrow some shoes. all my nice shoes are in storage. i wasn't planning on being here for two years.

what size are your feet

Jessica Amber Murray
absurdly small. i'm not sure exactly.

oh shit. my feet are definitely absurdly large

Jessica Amber Murray
damn. it's weird, though. i'm so like anti-sex and everything. but i've been wearing these little shorts all week and have been noticing guy after guy get worked up over it. i guess i've never really experience that before. this is sort of my first summer more or less post-transition (it'll be three years in september), and the first time i've really been comfortable showing a little skin. and noticing that all these guys are getting worked up is sort of working me up


Jessica Amber Murray
i can't go in sneakers, though.

ok shower.

are we hanging out?

or are you going to the lookout ?

Jessica Amber Murray
that was a very long shower, just got out. didn't even shave. not going to the lookout, interested in hanging out. 

theres some sort of gathering happening at the Art & Soul Gallery

and they always give me free beer

plus i need to pick up CDs

Jessica Amber Murray
where's the gallery?

Parkale and Wellington

Jessica Amber Murray
ok. well, i have some rockstars. i have some readying to do still, could be done in about 20 minutes...

shit ok


they said they're leaving at 11.

I'd better go now.

I only want to hang out until midnight at the latest.

because i have another big performance day.

Jessica Amber Murray
k, you just go then, i'll see you later.

k i'll be like 10 minutes.

i don't want to hang out with racist hipies.

Jessica Amber Murray
ok. txt me when you get back.

geez, i wonder if it's sarah's birthday party :o