Thursday, July 18, 2013

staying in for the night, but why am i getting tracers?

are you going to asylum tonihgtÉ


Jessica Amber Murray
that accent acute is a little unnecessary.

i think i need a jessica night.

my keyboard switched to French. its supposed to be a question mark. yeah, I don't want to either, but I promised dylan.

Jessica Amber Murray
i'm actually a little weirded out about not remembering how we got home last night. did we walk? cab?

half walked, and then cabbed

wow, I didnèt know you werrethat drunk

Jessica Amber Murray
i'm a little concerned i wasn't drunk. did i pay at all?

no I think playa payed

Jessica Amber Murray
my knees are really weirdly wobbly today. i've been randomly dizzy. i'm getting mushroom trip like reality swirls.

i left my drink out a few times.

i should be more careful with that.


i feel a little weird too

Jessica Amber Murray
it's not normal hangover stuff, though. my knees don't normally get like this, that's for sure.


fuck i don't want to go to the asylum...

but i need to say bye to dylan.

Jessica Amber Murray
then don't go. he can't be leaving tonight. invite him over for coffee tomorrow.

yeah but still hell be mad if i don't go.