Saturday, September 6, 2014

why can't people fucking keep appointments?

no, i'm not going to sit there in a room full of contagious sick people and let you tell me i'm an hour early when i have a fucking piece of paper that you wrote with the appointment time on it - because then you're going to tell me you're backed up past my altered appointment time. i set an appointment because i didn't want to sit around for three hours and catch pneumonia while i'm there. in fact, you pressured me into setting an appointment in the first place - i was just wondering if you had my correct phone number, and would have been happy to wait for a phone call.

i get that they're understaffed, but don't fucking tell me that's my fault and that i'm early when i'm waving the card in front of your face. i don't care who you are, i won't be lied to like that. take responsibility for your bad planning, apologize and tell me you're backed up. i'll go sit outside. but you lie to me, and i'm going to storm out the door.