Saturday, November 23, 2019

so, yeah.

i'm going to take a short nap, and get some pasta when i get up (and do some laundry as i'm eating), but what i'm going to need to do next is redo the order for the human rights complaint.

so, to recap.

i filed this thing some time in july. they got back to me in september and said "we don't have an address". so, i made a request to the cops to provide the address. the cops claimed that i didn't run a corporate search (which seems trivial), but the tribunal ruled that it would only break the mfippa after i've proven i can't find it in the corporate records search, which is what happened - i went to toronto and paid out a total of $95 to get a bum po box.  so, the tribunal should now be ready to overturn the mfippa and order the cops to give me the address like i asked for in the first place.

and, i'm going to request $240 from the cops in costs, too - the $95 for costs and $14x10hrs in labour costs.