Monday, December 2, 2019

i have in fact mailed the stuff to both the cops and the oiprd.

the attorney general is an annoyance in every way. if they don't respond, i'll just fax it near the end of the week. they should really have a submissions email line open...

as it is, i've also got my iso file done up and certificate ready to go.

what i will need to bring to toronto is:

1) three paper copies
2) three cd-rs

they should stamp some things relatively quickly and that'll be that, really.

what i need to do here over the next few days, then, is:

(1) print
(2) get to the dmv & write the test
(3) get to detroit and open an account
(4) actually get back to work?

i'm going to stop and do an overdue vlog, take a shower and potentially sleep for much of the day. i'll need to make some calls tomorrow...

the site still works.