Thursday, March 5, 2020

so, i'm told that the funk show will probably be done by 12:30ish or so. that means that i should expect sunsquabi to be on fairly early - maybe even a little after 9:00. unfortunately, that's too early...

there is at least an express bus from right outside the jazz bar to the suburbs, but it's still a 30 minute bus ride out to woodward & 4th. yeah. well, it's $2. google suggests it would be 35 minutes up woodward if i ubered, and cost more than $2, and even still 30 minutes if you detour around and take the freeway. so, it's a good ways out of town, no matter how you understand it. i'll have to walk from there, so i should get there between 21:30-22:00.

if i'm lucky, i'll catch most of the sunsquabi set. if i'm not, i guess i won't. why do they schedule shows so fucking early nowadays?

so, i'm going to want to get to the venue for 19:30, and hope i'm out by around 20:45. this is the plan:

11:00-14:00 - clean myself up, get ready to go
14:00 - 15:00 - leave. walk downtown.
15:00-15:15 - try to catch somebody at villain's
catch 15:30 bus. $10 cdn for tickets.
15:45-16:30 - walk from downtown to dso. $10 @ 7/11. buy tickets for $15.
16:30-17:04 - walk to rosa parks from dso
17:04-18:02 - bus out from rosa parks (261). $2.25.
18:33-19:17 - bus back to rosa parks (261).
19:17-19:30 - walk to cliff's bells
19:30-20:45 - cliff's bells. $10 + beer. $15.
21:01-21:33 - 461 up woodward. $2.00?
21:33-21:40 - walk to the venue.
21:40-1:00? - royal oak music theatre. $25?
1:30?-2:00? - grasshopper underground? $10?
2:30-3:30 - walk to state fair
4:00 - 5:00 - bus back downtown $2.00
5:00 - 10:00 - diner. $10
10:00-13:00 - orchestra hall $6? 
then home...

or something like that.

so, i need to get ready soon. quick nap.

this is a jam band, and i know they'll want to play all night, because they're like that. but, it doesn't look like the venue will allow for that. they didn't exactly pick the best venue; it's maybe the only mid-size venue in the entire detroit metro area that i've never been to. the magic stick would let them play late and be so much easier to get to, too...

so, i'm going to have a bit of a down period that i was hoping would get eaten up by transit time. as it is, i'm hoping there's a spot in ferndale that's open right until 2:00, and lets me kind of drag it out a little. i don't think there's any after hours anywhere tonight, unless i'm lucky enough to bump into a speakeasy type affair. i know of a few downtownish, but nothing in ferndale...yet....