Wednesday, June 17, 2020

so, what's going on with me?

yesterday, i got a little bit upset about the border being closed for another month and went to get something to eat to kind of let me head settle before i started strategizing, and i decided that i couldn't waste the solstice sitting inside complaining. so, i went and bought a quarter of what so far seems to be better quality marijuana, at a reasonable price. it worked out to $65 for the quarter after taxes, which is in line with expected costs. we'll see how i feel as the solstice contains to carry on, but i'm feeling alright for just right now.

i didn't get a thing done last night at all, i just got lost reading articles, and made a comment or two on them. but, i was more just baked and wanting to passively read. it happens, sometimes.

this afternoon, i finally started calling around about the estrace and found 100 pills in an undisclosed location that is going to require some travelling to get to tomorrow. google wants to either send me up this gravel dirt path (which is going to be awful bicycling through) or down this abandoned rural, forested road, presumably because it's the shortest path. but, i'd like to travel mostly through civilization of some sort, even if that civilization is just farmland. i'm not keen about getting eaten while bicycling to get estrace. so, i've been charting my own path through the essex back roads, to try to maximize human contact while travelling. i'm realizing that this region is far more populated than i imagined it was. i think i can do this fairly reasonably.

so, i'm off for an adventure tomorrow.

the good news is that that's another 25 days, so if i can get all of the running around i need done, hopefully i can finish that thought process i started the other day relatively quickly. i never got around to cleaning up the overposting on the deathtokoalas blog, and should get to doing that tonight, maybe.